Previous Topic: Web Agent Protecting FWS Application Must Trust Default Security Zone (56704)Next Topic: LDAP Search Filter Handles Multiple %s Strings (142592, 150648)

Fixes in r12 SP3

This section contains the following topics:

LDAP Search Filter Handles Multiple %s Strings (142592, 150648)

Truncation of Assertion Attributes (151642, 151887)

Web Agent Option Pack Environment Script has Invalid Jars (144569, 147392)

Smreghost Not Working on Linux (140319)

IP Restriction for 1.x Artifact and POST (137275)

Configuring Persistent Attributes Works Correctly for SAML 2.0 (137052)

Protection Against XML Signature Wrapping Attacks (168098)

SM--Information Missing for the smfedexport Command Options (155515)

Updated Session Index Causes Single Logout to Fail (123496)

SessionNotOnOrAfter Parameter Could Not Be Modified (128759,109961)

Problem with Forced Authentication When User Identity Changes (125553)

Federation Web Services Cannot Decode SMSESSION Cookie on Tomcat (129196)

Mutli-value Assertion Attributes Not Handled Properly (124560)

Trace Message for Redirect Mode Displays Incorrect Text (100214)

Full Logoff Failure (119281)

Error After Metadata Import Using smfedimport Tool (116041)

FSS Administrative UI Will Not Start (118424)

Upgrade Overwrote File (121216)

SPS is Not Redirecting to the URL in the Password Policy (111147)

Federation Security Services at the SP Fails Due to Malformed SAML 2.0 Response (111148)

NETE_JDK_ROOT Defined Twice in Properties File (117162)

WS-Federation Redirects Return 400 Error to Browser (117425)