To configure Oracle Directory Sever Enterprise Edition (formerly Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition) as a policy store, complete the following procedures:
If you are using Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition as a policy store, consider the following.
smldapsetup and Oracle Directory Enterprise Edition
The smldapsetup utility creates the ou=Netegrity, root sub suffix and PolicySvr4 database.
The directory root you specified in the Root DN field on the Data tab of the Policy Server Management Console. This variable has to be either an existing root suffix or sub suffix.
Example: If your root suffix is dc=netegrity,dc=com then running smldapsetup produces the following in the directory server:
Example: If you want to place the policy store under ou=apps,dc=netegrity,dc=com, then ou=apps,dc=netegrity,dc=com has to be either a root or sub suffix of the root suffix dc=netegrity,dc=com.
If it is a sub suffix, then running smldapsetup produces the following:
Note: For more information about root and sub suffixes, see the Oracle documentation.
Replicate an Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Policy Store
SiteMinder r12.0 SP3 creates a UserRoot and a PolicySvr4 database. The PolicySvr4 database has suffix mappings pointing to it. To replicate this policy store, set up a replication agreement for the PolicySvr4 database directory.
Note: More information about a replication agreement, see the Oracle documentation.
After you create the replication agreement, replicate the SiteMinder indexes.
To replicate SiteMinder indexes
smldapsetup ldgen -x -findexes.ldif
Important! Before running a SiteMinder utility or executable on Windows Server 2008, open the command line window with administrator permissions. Open the command line window this way, even if your account has administrator privileges.
smldapsetup ldmod -x -findexes.ldif -hhost -preplicaport -dAdminDN -wAdminPW
Specifies the replica host.
Specifies the replica port number.
Specifies the replica administrator DN.
Example: cn=directory manager
Specifies the replica administrator password.
The SiteMinder indexes are replicated.
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