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Delegate Administrative UI Permissions

You delegate Administrative UI permissions to give the Legacy Administrator access to specific Administrative UI tasks and Policy Server tools.

To grant Administrative UI permissions to the legacy administrator

  1. Click Administration, Administrators, Administrator, Create Administrator.

    The Administrator dialog appears.

  2. Click OK.

    Parameters specific to an Administrator appear.

    Note: Click Help for descriptions of settings and controls, including their respective requirements and limits.

  3. Click Lookup in the Details group box.

    The Select a User dialog appears.

  4. Leave the default search criteria and click Search.

    Legacy Administrators in the policy store appear.

  5. Select the Legacy Administrator you want and click Select.

    The full name of the user appears in the Name field. The unique ID of the user appears in the User Path field.

  6. Do one of the following:
  7. Specify how the administrator is permitted to interact with the Policy Server in the Access Methods group box. Select as many methods as required for the administrator to perform tasks.

    Example: If an administrator is going to use the XPSImport and XPSExport tools, select Import Allowed and Export Allowed.

  8. Click Create in the Rights group box.

    The Create Permission dialog appears.

  9. Select the security categories you want the administrator to manage and click Next.

    Note: Security categories are comprised of one or more tasks. These tasks correspond to specific SiteMinder objects. For more information, see the Administrative UI online help system. You can only select one category at a time. However, you can select another category after creating the first set of rights.

    The Select scope dialog appears.

  10. Do one of the following:
  11. Select the permissions that are to apply to the tasks in the security category and click Finish.

    The security category appears in the Rights group box.

  12. Do one of the following:
    1. Click Create to delegate another security category.
    2. Click Submit.

    The legacy administrator account is granted Administrative UI permissions. The legacy administrator can begin managing SiteMinder objects with the respective Administrative UI and Policy Server tools permissions.