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Create the Administrator Record

Create an administrator record to store the Legacy Administrator identity in the policy store.

To create the administrator record

  1. Click Administration, Administrators, Legacy Administrator, Create Legacy Administrator.

    The Legacy Administrator screen appears.

  2. Click OK.

    Parameters specific to a legacy administrator appear.

    Note: Click Help for descriptions of settings and controls, including their respective requirements and limits.

  3. Do the following in the General group box:
    1. Type a unique ID in the Name field.

      Consider entering a unique ID that adheres to your corporate standards. Adhering to your corporate standards does the following:

      • Prevents the administrator from having to remember a new set of credentials.
      • Facilitates a transition to an external administrator store because the Legacy Administrator ID matches the unique ID in the external store.
    2. Type the full name of the user in the Description field.

      The value appears as the display name when a user logs into the Administrative UI. The display name identifies who is logged in.

      Example: If you enter Joe Smith, the Administrative UI display name appears as the following:

      Logged in as Joe Smith.

  4. Leave the SiteMinder Database option button selected.
  5. Enter the administrator password in the respective fields.
  6. Do one of the following:
  7. Select the System or Domain option button from the Administrator Privileges group box.

    Note: These privileges apply to the FSS Administrative UI. You delegate privileges to the Administrative UI after creating the Legacy Administrator.


    With System privileges, an administrator has access to all policy domains in the FSS Administrative UI. If you select System, a Task group box appears.


    With Domain privileges, an administrator has access to a specific subset of policy domains in the FSS Administrative UI. If you select Domain, the Tasks and Scope group box appears. The Tasks group box lists the administrative tasks that can be performed. The Scope group box lists the available domains that can be managed.

  8. Select the tasks the administrator can perform.
  9. Click Submit.

    You have created a Legacy Administrator.