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Reduce People Picker Timeouts on UNIX/Linux Operating Environments

Sometimes the SharePoint people picker times out if the user database is large. This situation occurs because the CA SiteMinder® Agent for SharePoint is searching a large group of users in a database.

To reduce these timeouts, you can change a setting in the registry for each Policy Server in your environment.

This flowchart shows the steps for reducing people picker timeouts with large databases

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the sm.registry file with a text editor.
  2. Add the setting in the registry file.
  3. Restart Your Policy Server.

Open the sm.registry File with a Text Editor

Change this setting on UNIX or Linux operating environments by opening the sm.registry file with a text editor. The sm.registry file is stored on your Policy Server.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    Specifies the location in the file system where the Policy Server is installed.

    Default: /opt/CA/siteminder

  2. Open the following file with a text editor:

    You can now change the settings.

Add the Setting in the Registry File

The following registry key controls people picker sorting and reduces timeouts:


Specifies the sorting method the product uses when searching your Active Directory database. The following methods are available:

Default: 2

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the following section of the sm.registry file:
  2. Add the following line in the LDAPProvider section:
    EnableSorting=	0; REG_DWORD
  3. Change the zero in the previous line to one of the following values:
  4. Verify that the line in your sm.registry file matches one of the following examples:
    EnableSorting=	1; REG_DWORD
    EnableSorting=	2; REG_DWORD
  5. Save the changes to the sm.registry file, and then close the text editor.

    The setting is added to the registry file.

Restart Your Policy Server

Apply the changes that you made previously by restarting your Policy Server.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the system hosting the Policy Server with the same user account that installed the Policy Server originally.
  2. Stop all Policy Server processes, with one of the following actions:

    The Policy Server logs all UNIX executive activity in the installation_directory/log/smexec.log file. Log entries are always appended to the existing log file.

  3. Start all Policy Server processes, with one of the following actions:

    The Policy Server logs all UNIX executive activity in the installation_directory/log/smexec.log file. Log entries are always appended to the existing log file.