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Update the Affiliate Domain with a Response Attribute

Update the affiliate domain with a response attribute for your new claim. This update requires running the SharePoint connection wizard on the computer hosting your CA SiteMinder Agent for SharePoint.

This procedure adds the mapping of the new claim to your CA SiteMinder Policy Server.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the following directory:
  2. Do one of the following procedures:

    The wizard starts.

  3. Click Next.

    The Login Details screen appears.

  4. Complete the following fields with the information from your existing CA SiteMinder settings:
    Policy Server Name

    Specifies the Policy Server name or IP address.


    Specifies the Policy Server administrator username.


    Specifies the Policy Server administrator password.

    Agent Name

    Specifies the Agent-4x. The connection with the Policy Server is established using the details given in the Agent Name.

    Shared Secret Key

    Specifies the shared secret key that is associated with the Agent.

  5. Click Next

    The Select Action screen appears.

  6. Select Edit a SharePoint Connection option.
  7. Click Next.

    The SharePoint Connection Properties screen appears.

  8. Click Next until the Add Attributes screen appears.
  9. Click the drop-down arrows and select the values for the new claim from the following lists:

    Specifies an attribute name for one of the following claim types:

    • Group based
    • Role based

    For multivalued attributes, prefix FMATTR, as shown in the following example:

    Example: (multivalued attributes) FMATTR:LastName

    Claim Type

    Specifies an attribute value in your directory that is associated with the specified attribute name.

    Example: (Active Directory attribute value for LastName) sn.

    Example: (LDAP Directory role-based claim) sn.

  10. Click Add, and then click Next.

    The attribute details are saved and the Commit Details screen appears.

  11. Click Install in the Commit Details screen.

    The Save Complete screen appears.

  12. Click Done.

    The partnership details are saved, the SharePoint Connection is modified, and the wizard closes.