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Add a Policy to your Application

Polices combine application resources and roles to protect your SharePoint environment.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Policies, Applications.

    The applications screen appears, showing a list of applications.

  2. Locate the application that you created to protect your SharePoint sites, and then click the Edit icon.

    The Modify Application: screen appears.

  3. Click the Policies tab.

    The Policies screen appears.

  4. Click the Select a context root drop-down list, and then select the resource filter that you previously created for your SharePoint authorization URL. See the following example:
  5. Click the check boxes of the roles that you want to associate with your rules for the resource from Step 4.
  6. Click the check boxes of the responses that you want to associate with your rules for the resource from Step 4.
  7. Click Submit.

    The Policies screen closes. The Modify Application screen appears with a confirmation message.