Previous Topic: How to Run an Unattended Administrative UI InstallNext Topic: Configuring the Policy Server for an International Environment

How to Run an Unattended Report Server Install

To run an unattended Administrative UI install, complete the following procedures:

  1. Review the installation checklists.
  2. Gather the required information for the installer.
  3. Review the guidelines for silent installation.
  4. Locate the Report Server response file and CA SiteMinder® Report Server Configuration Wizard properties file.
  5. Copy the response and properties files to a temporary location on the Report Server host system.
  6. Copy the Report Server and the CA SiteMinder® Report Server Configuration Wizard installation media to a temporary location on the Report Server host system.

    Note: You can download the installation media from the Technical Support site.

  7. Modify the Report Server response file.
  8. Modify the CA SiteMinder® Report Server Configuration Wizard properties file.
  9. Run the Report Server installer.
  10. Run the CA SiteMinder® Report Server Configuration Wizard.
  11. Register the Report Server.
Modify the Report Server Response File for Windows

You modify the installer response file to define installation variables. The default values reflect the information that was entered when a Report Server was installed and a response file was saved.

Important! Consider the following items before you modify the file:


This section details the parameters in the Install section of the response file.


Specifies that an administrator credential must be passed to access the web application server.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty. This parameter applies to a web application server that CA SiteMinder® does not support.


Specifies the password of the administrator account that accesses the web application server. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value of this parameter is empty. CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies the port on which the web application server is listening. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value defaults to 8080. CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 8080

Be sure that this value matches the value of TOMCAT_CONNECTION_PORT.


Specifies the account name of the administrator account that is used to access the web application server. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value defaults to the following value:


CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: admin


Specifies the path to which the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed. The path is automatically set using the installation directory.

Note: Be sure that you escape the backslashes in the path with a backslash character.

Example: "C:\\Program Files\\CA\\SC\\CommonReporting3\\Tomcat55"


Specifies the name of the web application server instance. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value defaults to localhost. CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: localhost


Specifies the type of Java web application server to deploy. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value defaults to tomcat55. CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: tomcat55


If the web application server is installed as a service on Windows, specifies the name of the service. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value defaults to the following value:


CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: BOE120Tomcat


If you are deploying the Report Server to a virtualized environment, specifies that the virtual host to which the application must be bound.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, specifies that the Content Management Server Auditing Database component can be configured.


Indicates that auditing is allowed.


Indicates that auditing is not allowed.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 0


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, specifies that the Content Management Server Auditing Database is enabled. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports.

The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®. A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.


Indicates that auditing is enabled.


Indicates that auditing is not enabled.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 1


Specifies the name of the Service Intelligence Agent (SIA) node.

Note: Do not use spaces or non–alphanumeric characters.


Specifies the port to which the SIA must connect and listen for requests.

Default: 6410


If the Content Management Server Auditing Database component is enabled, specifies the port on which the auditing service must listen. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®.

A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the default value (6420).


Specifies the language pack to install.

CA SiteMinder® setting: EN


Specifies if you are adding servers to an existing Content Management Server. If you must change this value, we recommend using the installer to create another response file.

CA SiteMinder® setting: False


Specifies the password for an existing SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise administrator account. This parameter only applies to a custom or web tier installation.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies which driver to use for the Content Management Server Auditing Database. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®.

A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, this parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, this parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, this parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies the name of the report database.

CA SiteMinder® setting:


Specifies the name of the auditing database for the Content Management Server. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®.

A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


Specifies which driver to use for the report database.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the default value. If you must change this value, use the installer to create another response file.


Specifies the name of the ODBC connection for the report database.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


Specifies the name of the ODBC connection for the Content Management Sever Auditing Database. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®.

A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.

CA SiteMinder® settings: Leave the default value (Business Objects Audit Server).


Specifies the Content Management Server Audit Database type. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®.

A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the default value (ODBC).


Specifies the port on which the report database must listen.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


Specifies the port on which the Content Management Server Audit Database must listen. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®.

A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.

CA SiteMinder® settings: A value for this parameter is not required.


Specifies the password of the administrator account that can access the report database.


Specifies the password of the administrator account that can access the Content Management Server Auditing Database. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®.

A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


If you are installing the embedded version of MySQL, specifies the password of the MySQL root user account that can access the report database.


Specifies the Content Management Server Auditing Database type. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®.

A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the default value of this parameter.


If you are configuring an Oracle report database, specifies the name of the Oracle database service.

Note: This parameter appears in a response file that configures a Microsoft SQL Server report database. Leave this value empty.


Specifies the name of the Content Management Server Auditing Database server host system. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®.

A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


Specifies which driver to use for the report database.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the default value. If you must change this value, use the installer to create another response file.


Specifies the name of the administrator account that can access the report database.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


Specifies the name of the administrator account that can access the Content Management Server Auditing Database. This parameter is not related to CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®. A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, this parameter is automatically generated and matches the DATABASEUID value.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Be sure that this value matches the DATABASEUID value.


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, this parameter is automatically generated and is empty.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: connsvr


Specifies if the installer creates installation log files.


Do not create log files.


Create log files.


Specifies if servers must be enabled once the installation is complete.


Do not enable servers.


Enable servers.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 1


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, this parameter is automatically generated. Do not modify this parameter

CA SiteMinder® setting: 1


Specifies that the installer install the English Language pack.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 1


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.


Specifies the directory to which the Report Server is installed.

Note: Be sure that you escape the backslashes in the path with a backslash character.

Example: C:\\Program Files\\CA\\SC\\CommonReporting3\\


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.


Specifies the installation method.


Install all required server and client components.


Select specific server and client components to install.

Web Tier

Install only the required web application server components.

CA SiteMinder® setting: New


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.


If you are using the embedded version of MySQL, specifies the port to which MySQL must connect and listen for requests.

Default: 3306.

Note: This parameter appears in the properties file that configures Microsoft SQL Server as a report database. Leave the default value.


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, this parameter is automatically generated. Do not modify this parameter.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, this parameter is automatically generated. Do not modify this parameter.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies the password for the default SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise administrator account. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Do not modify this parameter. If you must change this value, use the installer to create another response file.


If you are using the embedded version of MySQL to function as the report database, specifies if remote access is enabled.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.

Note: This parameter appears in the properties file that configures Microsoft SQL Server as a report database. Leave the value empty.


Specifies the name of the Report Server host system.


Specifies the password for the default SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise administrator account.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated. If you must change this value, use the installer to create another response file.


Specifies the port on which the Content Management Server must listen.

Default: 6400.


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, specifies that the database is reinitialized.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 1


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated. Do not modify this parameter.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated. Do not modify this parameter.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


If you are configuring a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle report database, this parameter is automatically generated. Do not modify this parameter.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies the port to which the embedded version of Apache Tomcat must connect and wait for requests.

Default: 8080.


Specifies the port to which the embedded version of Apache Tomcat must redirect requests.

Default: 8443


Specifies the port to which the SHUTDOWN command for the embedded version of the Apache Tomcat must be issued.

Default: 8005


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: False


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: False


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: False


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: True


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: en


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave this value blank.


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 1


If you are deploying an IIS web application server, specifies the name of the IIS website to which the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise applications are deployed.

CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Default Web Site


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 80


This section details the parameters in the Features section of the response file.


Specifies which client, server, web tier, and other SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise components not to install.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Do not change the value of this parameter. To change this value, use the installer to create another response file.


Specifies which client, server, web tier, and other SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise components to install.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Do not change the value of this parameter. To change this value, use the installer to create another response file.


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


This section details the parameters in the BIEK section of the response file.


Specifies if the installer must install CA templates. This parameter is not related to the CA SiteMinder® reporting templates. The CA SiteMinder® Report Server Configuration wizard installs the required reporting templates. You run the wizard after installing the Report Server.


Do not install sample templates.


Install sample templates.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 0


Specifies if the installer reboots the computer after a successful installation.


Lets the installer restart the system after a successful installation.


Prevents the installer from restarting the system after a successful installation. Restart the system manually to complete the installation.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 1

Modify the Report Server Response File for UNIX

You modify the installer response file to define installation variables. The default values reflect the information that you entered when you installed the Report Server and saved a response file.

Important! Consider the following items before you modify the file:

The Report Server installer generates some parameters automatically. Do not modify the following parameters:

Manual Settings

This section details the parameter in the Manual Settings section of the response file.


Specifies the name of the Report Server host. This value overrides the local server name. If you do not provide a value, the value defaults to the local host system name.


This section details the parameter in the Paths section of the response file.


Specifies the path of the bobje directory. The bobje directory is automatically created in the common reporting directory.

Example: /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CommonReporting3/bobje/


Specifies the path to the Disk1 directory in the Report Server installation kit.


Specifies the path to the directory that contains the product license.

Note: Installing the Report Server does not require you to supply a product license.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.

Product Information

This section details the parameters in the Product Information section of the response file.


Specifies the language setting that the installation is to use.

CA SiteMinder® setting: en


Specifies the name of the product that is being installed.

CA SiteMinder® setting: BusinessObjects


Specifies the version of SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 12.0


Specifies the version of the product being installed.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 12.3


Specifies the license key that is required to install the product. This value appears encrypted.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Do not modify this value.


Specifies the product ID key. This value appears encrypted.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Do not modify this value.

Installation Information

This section details the parameters in the Installation Information section of the response file.


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: install


Specifies the installation method.


Install all required server and client components.


Select specific server and client components to install.


Install only the required web application server components.

CA SiteMinder® setting: new


Specifies a comma–delimited list for the Report Server installation operating modes. This parameter supports the following options:

CA SiteMinder® setting: install


Specifies the name of the Report Server host system.


Specifies whether to execute a user or system installation.

CA SiteMinder® setting: user


Specifies the language packs to install. CA SiteMinder® only supports the English language pack. The installer installs the English language pack by default.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies all languages included in SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise. These values represent the available languages, not the language packs to install.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the comma–delimited list of values.


Specifies the name of the non–root user account.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Be sure that this value matches the value of BIEK_INSTALL_USER in the BIEK section of the response file.


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


This section details the parameters in the Tomcat section of the response file.


Specifies if the embedded version of Apache Tomcat must be installed.

CA SiteMinder® setting: yes

Note: Although the installer lets you configure an existing instance of a web application server, CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.


Specifies the port to which the embedded version of Apache Tomcat must connect and wait for requests.

Default: 8080.


Specifies the port to which the embedded version of Apache Tomcat must redirect requests.

Default: 8443


Specifies the port to which the SHUTDOWN command for the embedded version of the Apache Tomcat must be issued.

Default: 8005

Application Server

This section details the parameters in the Application Server section of the response file.


Specifies the path to which the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed. The path is automatically set using the installation directory.

Example: /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CommonReporting3//bobje/tomcat/


Specifies the type of Java web application server to deploy. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value defaults to tomcat55. CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: tomcat55


Specifies the name of the web application server instance. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value defaults to localhost. CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: localhost


If you are deploying the Report Server to a virtualized environment, specifies the virtual host to which the application must be bound.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies the port on which the web application server is listening. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value is empty. CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies the account name of the administrator account that is used to access the web application server. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value is empty. CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies the password of the administrator account that can access the web application server. If the embedded version of Apache Tomcat is installed, the value is empty. CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of Apache Tomcat.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies that an administrator credential must be passed to access the web application server. This parameter applies to a web application server that CA SiteMinder® does not support.

CA SiteMinder® setting: false


Specifies the name of the application server. This parameter applies to a web application server that CA SiteMinder® does not support.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies the group ID of the application server. This parameter applies to a web application server that CA SiteMinder® does not support.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies the action to perform on the web application server.

CA SiteMinder® setting: deploy


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: true

CMS Cluster

This section details the parameters in the CMS Cluster section of the response file.


Specifies if you are adding servers to an existing Content Management Server.

CA SiteMinder® setting: no


If you are clustering servers to a Content Management Server, specifies the name of the Content Management Server.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


If you are clustering servers to a Content Management Server, specifies the port on which the Content Management Server is listening. This value defaults to the value of the CMSPORTNUMBER parameter. The parameter is located in the CMS section of the response file.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Be sure that this value matches the value of CMSPORTNUMBER.


This section details the parameters in the CMS section of the response file.


Specifies the type of database that is to function as the report database.

CA SiteMinder® settings:

Important! CA SiteMinder® only supports the embedded version of MySQL.

Important! The Report Server is a CA common component that CA products can share. As such, the installer lets you configure the report database to database types and versions that other products support, but CA SiteMinder® does not. For a list of supported database types and versions, see the CA SiteMinder® 12.52 Platform Support Matrix.


Specifies the service name of the Oracle database functioning as the report database.

Note: If you are configuring MySQL, this value defaults to BOE120. Leave the default value.


Specifies the name of the administrator account that is used to access the report database.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


Specifies the password of the administrator account that is used to access the report database.


Specifies the name of the Report Server host system.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Be sure that this value matches the value of LOCALNAMESERVER in the Installation Information section of the response file.


Specifies the port to which the Content Management Server must connect and wait for requests.

Default: 6400


Specifies the password for the administrator account that is to access the Central Management Server. This password is for the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise system administrator account.


Specifies the name of the Service Intelligence Agent (SIA) node.

Note: Do not use spaces or non–alphanumeric characters.


Specifies the port to which the SIA must connect and wait for requests.

Default: 6410


Specifies if the report database must be reinitialized. Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is automatically generated.

CA SiteMinder® setting: yes


This section details the parameters in the MySQL section of the response file.


Specifies if the embedded version of MySQL must be installed.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


If you are installing the embedded version of MySQL, specifies the port to which MySQL must connect and listen for requests.

Default: 3306

Note: If you are configuring an Oracle report database, leave the default value.


If you are installing the embedded version of MySQL, specifies the IP address of the MySQL host system. The MySQL host system is the same as the Report Server host system.


If you are installing the embedded version of MySQL, specifies the password of the MySQL root user account.


This section details the parameters in the Audit section of the response file.

These parameters are not related to the CA SiteMinder® audit–based reports. The Content Management Server Auditing Database is used to audit activities specific to the Report Server and is not used for CA SiteMinder®.

A CA SiteMinder® audit database is required to run audit–based reports.


Specifies if the Content Management Server Auditing Database is enabled.


Specifies the name of the audit service that the Content Management Server uses. This value defaults to BOE120_AUDIT, even if you are not enabling the Audit Database.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the default value.


Specifies the port number to which the Content Management Server Audit Database must connect and listen for requests. This value defaults to 3306.

CA SiteMinder® setting:


Specifies the IP address of Content Management Server Audit Database host system.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


Specifies the name of the administrator account that is used to access the Content Management Server Auditing Database.

CA SiteMinder® settings:


Specifies the password of the administrator account that is used to access the Content Management Server Auditing Database.

CA SiteMinder® settings:

Marketing Products

This section details the parameters in the Marketing Products section of the response file.


Specifies which client, server, web tier, and other SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise to enable manually.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.


Specifies which client, server, web tier, and other SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise components disable manually.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value of this parameter empty.


This section details the parameters in the BIEK section of the response file.


Specifies the non–root user account that the installer must use.


Specifies the group to which the non–root user belongs.


Specifies the full path to which the CA Shared Components environment variable (CASHComp) must be set. If CASHComp is already set, the installer ignores this value.


Specifies if the installer must install CA templates. This parameter is not related to the CA SiteMinder® reporting templates. The CA SiteMinder® Report Server Configuration wizard installs the required reporting templates. You run the wizard after installing the Report Server.


Do not install sample templates.


Install sample templates.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 0


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is for upgrades only.

CA SiteMinder® setting: 0


Do not modify this parameter. This parameter is for upgrades only.

CA SiteMinder® setting: Leave the value empty.

Modify the CA SiteMinder® Report Server Configuration Wizard Properties File

You modify the Report Server Configuration Wizard properties file to define configuration variables. The default parameters, passwords, and paths in this file reflect the information entered the last time the wizard ran.

The properties file has the following parameters:


Specifies the Report Server installation path.


Specifies the password of the default BusinessObjects administrator account.

Note: If you are using encrypted value in ENCRYPTED_BOXI_PASSWORD, this parameter does not require a value.


Specifies the encrypted password of the default BusinessObjects administrator account.

Important! Do not change the encrypted value. To enter another password, comment the encrypted password and specify a value for DEFAULT_BOXI_PASSWORD.


Specifies the type of database functioning as the CA SiteMinder® audit store.

Note: You do not have to configure a CA SiteMinder® audit database before running the Report Server Configuration Wizard.

Values: 1 or 2


Specifies Microsoft SQL Server.


Specifies Oracle.

Run the Report Server Installer

You run an unattended installation to install the Report Server without user interaction.

Before You Install

Consider the following items before installing the Report Server:

More information:

Locate the Installation Media

Installation Media Names


Follow these steps:

  1. Exit all applications that are running.
  2. Open a command prompt.
  3. Change the directory to temporary_location.

    Specifies the location to which you copied the installation media.

  4. Enter the following command:
    installation_media silent path_to_response_file

    Important! Before running a CA SiteMinder® utility or executable on Windows Server 2008, open the command line window with administrator permissions. Open the command line window this way, even if your account has administrator privileges.


    Specifies the name of the Report Server installation executable.

    Note: For a list of installation media names, see the Policy Server Release Notes.


    Specifies the path to the file. The path must include the response file name.

    Note: The response file does not have to be in the same directory as the installation executable.

    The silent installation begins.

More information:

Installation Media Names


Follow these steps:

  1. Exit all applications that are running.
  2. Be sure that you are using an account with root–user privileges.
  3. Open a Bourne shell and navigate to temporary_location.

    Specifies the location to which you copied the installation media.

  4. Enter the following command:
    ./installation_media silent path_to_response_file

    Specifies the name of the Report Server executable.

    Note: For a list of installation media names, see the Policy Server Release Notes.


    Specifies the path to the response file. The path must include the response file name.

    Note: The response file does not have to be in the same directory as the installation executable.

    The silent installation begins.

Install the Report Templates

You run an unattended installation to install the CA SiteMinder® report templates without user interaction.

Before You Install

You install the CA SiteMinder® report templates using the installation media on the Technical Support site.

Note: For a list of installation media names, see the Policy Server Release Notes.

More information:

Locate the Installation Media

Installation Media Names


Follow these steps:

  1. Exit all applications that are running.
  2. Be sure that the Report Server is started.
  3. Open a command prompt.
  4. Change the directory to temporary to which you copied the installation media.
  5. Enter the following command:
    installation_media -f properties_file -i silent

    Important! Before running a CA SiteMinder® utility or executable on Windows Server 2008, open the command line window with administrator permissions. Open the command line window this way, even if your account has administrator privileges.


    Specifies the name of the CA SiteMinder® Report Server Configuration Wizard installation executable.

    Note: For a list of installation media names, see the Policy Server Release Notes.

    -f properties_file

    Specifies the path to the properties file. The path must include the properties file name.

    Note: The properties file does not have to be in the same directory as the installation executable.

    -i silent

    Specifies that the installer run silently.

    The report templates installation begins.

  6. After the installation finishes, restart the Report Server.

Note: You are required to register the Report Server before you can create reports.

More information:

How to Register the Report Server

Installation Media Names


Follow these steps:

  1. Exit all applications that are running.
  2. Be sure that the Report Server is started.
  3. Open a shell and navigate to where the installation media is located.
  4. Enter the following command:
    ./installation_media -f properties_file -i silent

    Specifies the name of the CA SiteMinder® Report Server Configuration Wizard installation media.

    Note: For a list of installation media names, see the Policy Server Release Notes.

    -f properties_file

    Specifies the path to the properties file. The path must include the properties file name.

    Note: The properties file does not have to be in the same directory as the installation executable.

    -i silent

    Specifies that the installer run silently.

    The report template installation begins.

  5. After the installation finishes, restart the Report Server.

Note: You are required to register the Report Server before you can create reports.

More information:

How to Register the Report Server

Installation Media Names