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Integrating APS with User Management Tools

Advanced Password Services does not perform User Management (Identity Management) functions. It is only involved with the application and enforcement of password content, password lifetimes and account lifetimes.

This section contains the following topics:


Delegated Management Services (DMS2)

CA Identity Manager


There are a number of places where APS and a User Management tool must integrate.

Out of the box, APS does provide the Help Desk Interface (See Help Desk Interface (APSAdmin).). However, this is not a full-function tool. It is really designed to simplify existing user management applications or to provide a tool to aid in APS testing.

Enabling and Disabling Accounts

APS provides a wealth of options for enabling and disabling user accounts. There are specific ways in which APS can disable accounts during processing and APS can recognize a large number of site-defined mechanisms. Any User Management application should recognize all of the reasons used by a site (including those configured for APS to use). These tools should be able to enable and disable accounts for those mechanisms in use at the site.


Ensuring Password Validity

User passwords should always conform to the password content rules configured to APS in its Configuration File. This applies not only to ongoing user password changes, but to administrator password resets and initial passwords (during account registration) as well.

Normally, ongoing password changes are handled by the APS Change Password Interface (SmCPW) and CA highly recommends that it be used.

Out of the box, APS supports password change forms written in any language. It merely requires that the form POST to the Change Password Interface (SmCPW). Non-web based change password applications can call the APSAPI to perform this function.

Some sites want to put the change password fields onto another form, often the Change Profile form. This is usually very confusing to users. It is often better to put a "Change Password" link on a page rather than trying to incorporate both profile and password updates on the same form. Part of the problem is handling errors that might occur in one update or the other.

It is not possible for an application to perform all of its own password updates. The password history field is not accessible to applications; it is stored in encrypted, compressed format.

During user registration (account creation), the account's initial password should conform to the password content rules imposed at the site.

Initial registration creates some interesting problems for password validation:

Maintaining Forgotten Password Services (FPS) Questions/Answers

The Forgotten Password Services (FPS) functionality of APS can use information stored in the user record to interactively help a user reset their own password. However, APS provides no interface that can be used by the Users to maintain this information.

APS must be configured to tell it the name of the attribute(s) to use for this customer interaction and, for certain configurations, how that information is stored.

It is important that the user management application allow users to maintain this data. It is critical that the APS configuration correspond to the actual method used.

Some information on strategies is contained in How Do I: Get the FPS challenge questions into the User Directory?.

Triggering APS Events Properly

APSExpire processes events based on the value of smapsNextAction. Every time APS touches a user record, it ensures that the value of this field is accurate at that time. Some of the settings in the APS configuration file used to calculate this date may be dependent on attributes in the user record. For example:

Password Expiration={userType="Admin"} 30

Password Expiration=60

If the user's type is changed to or from Admin, the effective password expiration date changes and APS may need to update the value of smapsNextAction.

However, any User Management tool should not need to be aware of the conditions that APS uses to make these determinations.

There is a very simple way to handle this issue. Every time a user management tool modifies a user entry, it should delete the contents of smapsNextAction. APSExpire, scheduled to run daily, will recalculate the date on its next execution. Since user management is an extremely low volume operation, the impact on performance should be nominal.

Delegated Management Services (DMS2)

Delegated Management Services (DMS2) is a CA product, which some sites use to maintain user entries in a Directory. It supports self-registration, self-service profile management and help desk functionality.

DMS2 has been superceded by a new product from CA called Identity Manager.

DMS Workflow Library

APS includes sample source code for a DMS workflow library called APSDMSWorkflow. This file can be built and configured into the SiteMinder Policy Server to intercept updates to the user's password. The library will ensure that no passwords are saved that do not conform to the formatting requirements imposed by APS.

The library is provided in source as a sample only. CA Support cannot support any custom code derived from this source.

DMS2 supports a single workflow library, yet many sites need to perform their own workflow. Thus, the APS workflow is provided as sample source to show how to make the APSAPI call. Sites can then incorporate this sample code into their own workflow libraries, if desired.

Note: Prior to APS Version 4.2, this library was only supplied in binary form. The APS installer does not delete the prior version to prevent destroying a working system. However, be aware that any pre-existing copy of APSDMSWorkflow.dll or are not part of the APS product.

Enabling and Disabling User Accounts

Please refer to DMS Manual Chapter 7 of "Using DMS" for managing any user account as a Super Administrator or as an Organizational Administrator.

In the Managing Users Screen, after selecting a user account, you can press the button "APS Information" for the APS Information (and also enabling & disabled users).

The field names and the handling (R= Read, W= Write, C= Clear) properties of each of the APS attributes of LDAP Schema and Storage are mentioned in the following table.

APS Attribute


Handling Props.



Base Date


Can only set to the current date


Last Login




Previous Login




Immediate Change


Can clear or set to a string that will be a comment that includes the date set


Disable Until


Date, time and reason


Disable After


Date, time and reason


Last Password Change




Failure Count


Just clear, but clear is not to an empty value.


Login History


Will show number of entries and "Select to View" button


Expire Password Days After


Number of days and comment


Account Inactivity Days


Number of days and comment


Grace Logins Used




Must Login By


Date, time and comment


Generational Redirects


Shows the number of entries and a "Select to View" button.


Failures since Last Login




Failuressince Previous Login




Maximum Failures




Total Logins




Total Failures






Shows number of entries and "Select to View" button


FPS Lockout Counter


Cleared to re-enable FPS for accounts


APSExpire trigger


ALWAYS clear

Note: The prompts that appear in the default set up are for English-US Locale (as defined in the file

Enabling a Disabled User Account

If the user account is disabled, the screen will display a message "User is Disabled".

It will also show why the user account is disabled and that may happen in the following two ways.

If you want to enable the account, you can do it in either in the following ways:

Note: The date and time displayed in the DMS UI pages are all in local time, though the date and time are stored as GMT in the LDAP.


The Field names that are appeared in the default set up are for English US Locale (as defined in the file If the users want to change it, they need to define their own locale and the locale file should be present in


Integrating Forgotten Question and Answers

Please refer to DMS Manual, Chapter 8 of "User Registration with Forgotten Password Support," for setting up for self-registering a user.

If the user is redirected to the correct fcc file, upon clicking on the link "Click here to register as a new user", the registration form will open with the questions that are defined in the property.

Format for the Property File

The value for the key "pick" signifies the number of questions to be picked.

The value for the key "questions" signifies the number of questions needed to be displayed.

The rest has the structure like QID = The Actual Question where QID is the question identifier and could be any value.

If the admin need to restrict a question to be displayed for a user while registering a new user, the admin may put a "*" in the beginning of any QID.

Do not put a "*" in the beginning of the key pick and/or questions.

Please follow the sample property file as a guideline.

Customization Required for Supporting Internationalization

In the forgottenpassword.jsp file for Language=English and Country=USA, the default lines are as follows:

<jsp:setProperty name="table" property="language" value="en"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="table" property="country" value="US"/>

For example, if the user wants to customize for Language=French and Country=Canada, these lines would be like this:

<jsp:setProperty name="table" property="language" value="fr"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="table" property="country" value="CA"/>

Please note then the name of the property file would be

APS.cfg configuration

In the APS.cfg file under [Verify], for the keyword Initial specify the special instruction as format=B. For example,


CA Identity Manager

At the time of this release, integration between Identity Manager and APS has not been developed by CA. It is, however, in the planning stage and may be available in the future.

Many CA customers have integrated Identity Manager themselves in a variety of ways. Many have used the DMS2 integration guidelines above quite successfully.