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Help Desk Interface (APSAdmin)

APSAdmin refers to both the Help Desk Interface application program that can be set up to run on your Web Site and the part of the APS API that it calls to perform its operations. This chapter primarily deals with the program itself, though it will discuss the configuration of the API as well. The term APSAdmin, as used in this chapter, will refer to the CGI program unless otherwise indicated.

APSAdmin is an on-line user maintenance application. It is designed to deal with the APS-specific data in a user record, but has limited capacity for maintaining other user fields. It is not intended as a general purpose user maintenance or CRM utility. However, it is designed to augment existing systems, such as DMS.

This chapter assumes that APSAdmin is already installed and operational according to the instructions in the Installation Checklists (and also discussed in Installation). This chapter discusses how the program works and various options available to control its functionality, look and feel, localization issues and which fields are available for reading and writing.

APSAdmin requires JavaScript support on the browser.

This section contains the following topics:

User Selection

User Display

User Update

Specifying Form Content and Access Control

Running APSAdmin from the Command Line

User Selection

If APSAdmin is invoked without specifying a user (discussed later), it will present a user selection panel.

By default, the user selection panel asks for the User Directory in a drop-down box (if more than one directory is available) and asks for the user path in a standard text box. The format of the user path is directory-type specific: for example, LDAP directories will require a full LDAP DN, whereas an ODBC directory will require just a user id.

When the user hits the Submit button, APSAdmin will communicate with the APS library on the Policy Server to retrieve the record.

Customization Options

APSAdmin supports a number of options in this mode. Some options can be specified in the query string, some options are specified using SiteMinder Responses.

Restricting the Directory or Directory Type

The Query String (that part of the URL after a question mark) can specify all or part of a user directory specification. This can be used to restrict the directory from which the online user can select. APSAdmin will only display those directories that qualify. If only one directory qualifies, then no directory needs to be selected, only the user.

This can be used by setting up SiteMinder rules that restrict the URL that the administrator can access. In these cases, the link (from wherever the user accesses APSAdmin) should contain the query string restricting the directory.

The directory is specified using in the query string as "DIR=<directory>". The <directory> is compared, from left to right, with the directory list that exists in the SiteMinder Policy Store.

For example, to restrict the user to only LDAP directories, (on Windows) use:


For ODBC directories only, (on Solaris) use:


The actual directory can be restricted as well, by specifying the directory itself, such as:


In this case, only the one directory will be available.

Partial directory specifications are also supported.

If the directory specification has unusual characters in it, they should be URL-encoded.

Making the User Display Read Only

If READONLY appears in the Query String, the user, when displayed, will be in read-only mode; that is, all allowed fields will be displayed, no data entry will be possible.

If multiple query string options are used, READONLY must be separated from other options with an ampersand ("&"), such as:


The READONLY option has no effect on user selection. It will be passed to the user display to control operation.

Showing a Help Button

Some sites may wish to display a Help button on this panel. APSAdmin can display a Help button that will display a site-supplied URL.

To make APSAdmin provide a Help button, define a static response (using the SiteMinder Policy Server User Interface) called HELPURL. The value of this attribute should be the URL containing the help text to be displayed.

Different help URLs can be specified for different APSAdmin panels by using different rules based on the query string (this will be complicated because of the many query string options, but it is possible --- you will have to use regular expressions when defining the Rule).

Showing a Cancel Button

Some sites may wish to display a Cancel button on this panel. APSAdmin can display a Cancel button that, when pressed, will return the user to a specified URL.

To make APSAdmin provide a Cancel button, pass the desired URL in the query string using the CancelTo option, such as:


Note that the target is URL-encoded.

The CancelTo URL is passed to the user display panel.

Suppressing the Reset Button

To suppress the Reset button, use the APSAdmin.lang file (located on the Web Server) to translate the key USERSELECT_RESET to a null value. The Reset button will not be displayed.

Changing the Prompts

All text on the User Selection page is translated using the APSAdmin.lang file stored on the Language directory on the Web Server. This includes field labels, the window title, the dialog title and error messages.

Even if your site is not using internationalization, these prompts can be changed by modifying the English translation files.

Customizing the Look and Feel

The look and feel of this panel can be customized using a Cascading Style sheet. APSAdmin, by default, embeds style definitions directly into its output. However, before doing so, it checks for the existence of a file, on the same directory as the APSAdmin program, called APSAdmin.css. If the css file exists, it will be used instead of the default styles.

The simplest way to build a css file is to bring up the form and select View Source within your browser. Simply copy the styles (those lines in the HTML header starting with a period) from the HTML into a new file called APSAdmin.css and store that file on the same directory as the APSAdmin executable. After that, modify the css file as desired.

By examining the generated HTML source, an HTML-savvy programmer can determine which styles are used for the various elements, then modify them to create the desired look and feel. Be forewarned, however, that Style Sheet support varies between browsers and browser versions, so be sure to test it for your supported platforms.

The same style sheet file is used for both User Selection and User Display panels, though, in most cases, different styles are used on each form. If the css file is used, it will have to be used for both forms.

Suppressing the User Selection Panel Altogether

CA expects that most sites will not want to use the User Selection panel for any of a number of reasons:

There are a number of ways that APSAdmin can be used that would bypass this screen:

Example 1

An existing user management system could place a button on the User Maintenance form labeled, say, Access. When pressed, it invokes the APSAdmin utility, perhaps in its own window, for the selected user by including the user specification in its query string (see the next section).

Example 2

An existing user management system that has its own directory navigation (complete with search) could display a user icon for displayed users that invokes APSAdmin for the associated user.

Example 3

A site could write its own navigate/search engine that just links directly to the User Display portion of APSAdmin.

User Display

If APSAdmin is invoked with a user, it will attempt to display the information about that user.

The user is specified to APSAdmin using two query string options. Usually, these both must be URL-encoded:

For example:

http://server/APSAdmin/APSAdmin?DIR=LDAP%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1 &

Other options may appear in the query string as well.

If the current administrator does not have access to the requested user, no fields are configured in the APS Configuration File, or a communications error occurs, an error message will be displayed.

Customization Options

APSAdmin supports a number of options in this mode. Some options can be specified in the query string, some options are specified using SiteMinder Responses.Customization Options

Making the User Display Read Only

If READONLY appears in the query string, the display will be in read-only mode; that is, all allowed fields will be displayed, no data entry will be possible.

If multiple query string options are used, READONLY must be separated from other options with an ampersand ("&").

Showing a Help Button

Some sites may wish to display a Help button on this panel. APSAdmin can display a Help button that will display a site-supplied URL.

To make APSAdmin provide a Help button, define a static response (using the SiteMinder Policy Server User Interface) called HELPURL. The value of this attribute should be the URL containing the help text to be displayed.

Different help URLs can be specified for different APSAdmin panels by using different rules based on the query string (this will be complicated because of the many query string options, but it is possible --- you will have to use regular expressions when defining the Rule).

Showing a Cancel Button

Some sites may wish to display a Cancel button on this panel. APSAdmin can display a Cancel button that, when pressed, will return the user to a specified URL.

To make APSAdmin provide a Cancel button, pass the desired URL in the query string using the CancelTo option.

Note that the target is URL-encoded.

Showing a Close Button

Some sites will display the user information form in a read-only mode in a pop-up window. In this case, a Cancel button is inappropriate, since it will leave the window open, but on a new URL.

To tell APSAdmin to display a Close button, use Close on the URL. APSAdmin will then display a Close button, with associated JavaScript to close the current window. Note that if this JavaScript is executed in the main window of the browser, the user will be prompted when the button is pressed.

As is the case with all APSAdmin buttons, the text on the button can be modified in the APSAdmin.lang file.

Suppressing the Reset Button

To suppress the Reset button, use the APSAdmin.lang file (located on the Web Server) to translate the key USERDISPLAY_RESET to a null value. The Reset button will not be displayed.

Changing the Prompts

Some text on the User Display page is translated using the APSAdmin.lang file stored on the Language directory on the Web Server. This includes the window title, the dialog title, contents of drop-down entry values, error messages and quite a few screen constants. It may not include field prompts.

APSAdmin does not normally translate the field and section prompts. These prompts are defined in the APS Configuration File and are passed to the APSAdmin program through the API. Under normal operation, they will be displayed as provided (this eliminates the need to update the APSAdmin.lang for every possible prompt).

If a site wants to translate prompts, change the prompt definition in the APS.cfg file so that the prompt starts with the character #. APSAdmin will recognize this as a translation request. The prompt, as supplied, will be translated. The default value for the prompt will be the same as the prompt, with the # character removed.

This applies to both field and section prompts.

Customizing the Look and Feel

The look and feel of this panel can be customized using a Cascading Style sheet. APSAdmin, by default, embeds style definitions directly into its output. However, before doing so, it checks for the existence of a file, on the same directory as the APSAdmin program, called APSAdmin.css. If the css file exists, it will be used instead of the default styles.

The simplest way to build a css file is to bring up the form and select View Source within your browser. Simply copy the styles (those lines in the HTML header starting with a period) from the HTML into a new file called APSAdmin.css and store that file on the same directory as the APSAdmin executable. After that, modify the css file as desired.

By examining the generated HTML source, an HTML-savvy programmer can determine which styles are used for the various elements, and then modify them to create the desired look and feel. Be forewarned, however, that Style Sheet support varies between browsers and browser versions, so be sure to test it for your supported platforms.

The same style sheet file is used for both User Selection and User Display panels, though, in most cases, different styles are used on each form. If the CSS file is used, it will have to be used for both forms.

Changing the Graphics

The small graphics displayed are supplied with APSAdmin as GIF files. They can be replaced with any graphics desired. Keep in mind, however, the size at which they will be displayed.

User Update

APSAdmin confirms the changes upon completion of the user update. This is done using normal error translation for the APSAdmin.lang file on the Web Server. As is the case elsewhere, if the translated message appears to be a URL, APSAdmin will redirect the user to the URL instead.

If the message does not redirect the user, the confirmation message is displayed. By default, when the user clicks the OK button, he will be redirected back to the User Select panel (with no arguments, so all directories will be accessible). This is usually not desirable.

If a SiteMinder response called RETURNTO (HTTP_RETURNTO) is defined, APSAdmin will redirect the user to that URL.

If RETURNTO is not defined, but a CancelTo argument is in the query string, the user will be redirected to the URL identified by CancelTo.

Specifying Form Content and Access Control

The fields, groups and sections displayed by APSAdmin, whether a field is read or read/write, the prompts, whether a password is validated and whether a particular user is even accessible to a given administrator, are all defined in the APSAdmin section of the APS Configuration File.

Access Control

Access to specific users (or directories) by specific administrators can be controlled, in a general way, using the Allowed keyword in the APSAdmin section of the APS Configuration File.

The Allowed keyword identifies whether the current administrator (defined in the Setting Override) can access a particular user (defined by the Value of the setting) at all.

By default, all access to APSAdmin is denied. There must a an applicable instance of the Allowed keyword that specifically grants rights for an administrator to a particular user.

In the APSAdmin section, an additional function is available when specifying the target. This function, Self(), is TRUE if the administrator is the same as the target user. This function can be used, for example, to allow all users specific access to their own records or to allow a Help Desk person access to the entire directory except for himself (by using NOT Self() for the setting).

Once the administrator (or on-line user) has "rights" to the target user, APS will continue to check to see which fields can be read and/or written.

User Directory "Portability"

Different types of User Directories impose different naming requirements on the fields in the user record. Some sites impose further naming conventions, particularly for RDBMS-based directories.

For example, the "Full Name" of a user in an LDAP directory, using the IETF standard, is stored in an attribute called cn. For an ODBC database, this might be a column called userFullName.

APS allows sites to remap user field names in the Mappings section of the APS Configuration File. The format for such an entry is:

<logical name>={<restricted expression>}<underlying name>

The <logical name> can be any name without spaces. References to this name in the APSAdmin section of the APS Configuration File will actually reference the <underlying name> (assuming that the <restricted expression> applied).

The <restricted expression> is the same as a standard override expression, except that it cannot reference user-specific details, such as attributes and group membership. It can, however, reference functions like IsLDAP(), IsODBC(), and IsInDirectory().

To present a solution to our most recent example:

FullName={IsLDAP()} cn
FullName={IsODBC()} userFullName

Because of these two lines in the Mappings section, FullName can be referenced in the APSAdmin section regardless of whether the user exists in an LDAP directory or an ODBC directory.

If a line exists for a given <logical name>, if the <underlying name> is blank, the field, for most intents and purposes, does not exist and APSAdmin will ignore any references to it. This can be useful when an attribute exists in one directory, but not in another.

Entries are not required in the Mappings section. If an entry does not exist at all (as opposed to existing with a null <underlying name>), APS will use the <logical name> that it is looking for as the actual name.

Mappings are used throughout APS. For certain operational fields required by APS, if a field is mapped to a null value, APS will use the logical name anyway (probably resulting in an error). However, APSAdmin will still honor null mappings regardless.


This discussion relates not only to column/attribute names, but to group names as well.

Under LDAP, in fact, a site must map group names in order to use them in the APSAdmin section because LDAP group DNs contain equal signs (=).

Specifying Attributes/Columns

A user field is "available" to APSAdmin if it appears in the APSAdmin section of the APS Configuration File and explicitly allows access to that attribute, by the current administrator, for the target user. By default, administrators do not have access to any fields (even if Allowed).

Furthermore, read access and write access are separately controlled. An administrator might have read rights, but not write rights, vice versa, both, or neither for a particular field.

The format of a field access specification is:

<right>.<field>={<admin override>} <target override>

The <right> can be READ, WRITE or RW (for read and write).

The <field> refers to the name of the attribute or column and is subject to the mappings described in the previous section.

The <admin override> defines whether this particular setting applies to the current online user (the administrator). If omitted, the setting applies to all users.

The <target override> defines whether this right/field is applicable for the user currently requested (the target user). This value can be supplied as TRUE to indicate that it applies to all target users.

During APSAdmin read operations, only the first reference to a particular <field> applies. The APSAdminRead function returns XML describing the requested (target) user. In this XML, each attribute is identified as Read, Write or Read/Write. When multiple settings apply for the same <field>, only the first <right> is returned to APSAdmin.

However, during APSAdmin write operations, APS checks to see if any write (write or read/write) access is allowed for this administrator and target. If so, the write is allowed.

Specifying Groups

A user's group membership is "available" to APSAdmin if it appears in the APSAdmin section of the APS Configuration File and explicitly allows access to that group membership, by the current administrator, for the target user. By default, administrators do not have access to any such information (even if Allowed).

Furthermore, read access and write access are separately controlled. An administrator might have read rights, but not write rights, vice versa, both, or neither for a particular group membership.

The format of a field access specification is:

<right>.GROUP.[set the product group or family]={<admin override>} <target override>

The <right> can be READ, WRITE or RW (for read and write).

The [set the product group or family] refers to the name of the group and is subject to the mappings described in the previous section. For LDAP groups, this field must be remapped, since the equal sign ("=") in the DN will confuse the parser.

The <admin override> defines whether this particular setting applies to the current online user (the administrator). If omitted, the setting applies to all users.

The <target override> defines whether this right/field is applicable for the user currently requested (the target user). This value can be supplied as TRUE to indicate that it applies to all target users.

During APSAdmin read operations, only the first reference to a particular [set the product group or family] applies. The APSAdminRead function returns XML describing the requested (target) user. In this XML, each attribute is identified as Read, Write or Read/Write. When multiple settings apply for the same [set the product group or family], only the first <right> is returned to APSAdmin.

However, during APSAdmin write operations, APS checks to see if any write (write or read/write) access is allowed for this administrator and target. If so, the write is allowed.

Grouping into Sections

APSAdmin returns field and group information in the order in which they appear in the APSAdmin section of the APS Configuration File (note that only settings that apply to the current administrator are considered and duplicate references to the same field or group are ignored).

Entries can be grouped together into sections using the Section keyword in the APS Configuration File. All settings after a Section definition will appear in that section until a new Section keyword appears.

APSAdmin will display a section header for grouped values.

Sections can only have an administrator override and a name (not a target override).

Once the first section is started, there is no way to "unsection" attributes.

If, after evaluating all of the settings in the section, a section does not contain any field or group references, the section is suppressed and not displayed.


By default, APSAdmin uses the name of the field, group, or section as its prompt (the text label alongside the data). This is rarely desirable.

The prompt for each field, group, or section can be changed in the APS Configuration File on a line by line basis. This means that the prompt can be different based on the administrator, target and/or context (discussed later).

To set the prompt for an item, at the end of the setting (it must be after the <target override> or section name), place a prompt specification:

Section=UserInfo [PROMPT User Information]
RW.FullName={@HelpDesk} TRUE [PROMPT Name]

The prompt will be passed through the XML along with the actual name. The APSAdmin interface will display the prompt.

Translating Prompts

APSAdmin does not normally translate prompts, since screens are so dynamic. If you wish a prompt to be translated, specify the prompt as the translation key, prefixed with a pound sign (#). For example:

Section=UserInfo [PROMPT #User Information]
RW.FullName={@HelpDesk} TRUE [PROMPT #Name]

The prompt itself (with the # sign) will be used as the translation key. The default value will be the key without the # sign. In other words, the following entry in APSAdmin.lang would be used in the above example:

key #Name
val Full Name

However, if the #Name key were not found, Name would be used as the translation.

Null Sections

If a section has neither a prompt nor a name (e.g. Section=), the APSAdmin interface will display a section header as a horizontal rule (HTML's <HR> tag).

Varying Content by User

As mentioned previously, each setting that specifies a field or group with its access rights can be overridden by on-line user (Administrator). The same item can be specified more than once, with different expressions for <admin override> and <target override>. The first entry that applies for a combination of administrator and target will be used.

A site can creatively vary content by making adjustments to these override fields. For example, the field smapsExpirePasswordDays is one of the APS attributes that allows the setting of a password expiration period for a specific user. It should not be used directory-wide, but is frequently used for administrator accounts (that do not get used very often) to prevent their passwords from expiring. The following lines from the APSAdmin section of the APS Configuration File demonstrate one use for varying content by user:

		{@HelpDesk AND NOT @HelpDeskManager}
		Not IsNull("smapsExpirePasswordDays")
		[PROMPT Expiration]
		true [PROMPT Expiration]

In this example, Help Desk personnel (but not Help Desk Managers) will see the value of this attribute if the viewed user has such an override. If the target user does not have an override, no value is displayed. Even if the value is displayed, the Help Desk person cannot change it.

However, the Help Desk Manager will always be able to see and set the field for all users.

If the field is shown, it will always be shown in the same place on the panel, no matter what kind of Help Desk administrator.

Varying Content by Context

APSAdmin can also, within limits, vary content by context. Recall that all override expressions support context macros. These are values that only exist at certain times ("contexts") during processing and can be tested within an override.

The APSAdmin interface always sends a context macro of APSAdmin=YES. In the APS Configuration File, you can make sure that a particular field only displays when requested by the APSAdmin interface by using something like:

RW.FullName={%APSAdmin="YES"} TRUE

A utility other than APSAdmin using the API would not be expected to pass an APSAdmin macro and this setting would not apply to it.

The APSAdmin interface allows a site to pass arbitrary context macros using either a SiteMinder Response ("Header Variable") or an environment variable (but not both). The former option is far more useful than the latter.

A site could, for example, use multiple virtual directories to access the APSAdmin executable. Under the SiteMinder Policy Server User Interface, each would require its own realm, rule and response. Since each can also have its own policy, each context can be protected differently.

For each context, specify an additional response attribute called APSADMINCONTEXT containing the desired macros. Each macro is in the format <key>=<value> and multiple macros can be specified, separated by semicolons.

Environment variables must exist within the user process within which the CGI program (APSAdmin) executes. The name of the environment variable is HTTP_APSADMINCONTEXT and its value is the same as the APSADMINCONTEXT response. Setting a environment variable for use under a Web Server, Windows usually requires a machine reboot and Solaris requires that the Web Server be restarted.

An example of the use of contexts:

Note: Warning: Recall that APSAdmin will use the first setting that applies to the current administrator/target combination. When using contexts, it is possible to fall through the definitions for that context and hit another setting, specific to no particular context. Be sure to fully test all combinations of contexts to make sure that unexpected fields (or rights) do not appear.

Using Self()

The function Self() can be used within <target overrides>. This function is available at no other place within the APS Configuration File. The value of the function is TRUE if, and only if, the current administrator is the same as the target user. A really good example of its use is:

RW.userPassword={@HelpDesk} NOT Self()

This allows all help desk administrators to reset passwords for all users other than themselves.

Allowed=Self()Another example:

Assuming no other settings in the APSAdmin section, these lines will allow all users to change their own email address, but no other fields.

Validating Password Resets

APSAdmin supports administrative password resets. This operation allows an administrator to change the password of a user to a known value. It does not require that the administrator know the existing password. This is different from the Change Password Interface that 1) only allows users to change their own password and 2) requires the entry of the current password.

The APSAdmin interface recognizes a specific field name called userPassword and will present an appropriate entry interface.

When changes are posted for a field called userPassword, APS may or may not be required to validate the new entry against required password content. Whether or not this validation is to occur is defined in the APS Configuration File, in the APSAdmin section, using the Validate Password setting.

Every instance of the Validate Password setting will be checked by APS. If any setting applies that has FALSE value, the password content will not be validated. If no Validate Password setting applies or none is contained in the file, passwords will be validated.

Validation is against password content only. It does not include password history or attribute (profile) checking.

Forcing Password Changes

The Force Immediate Change setting in the APS Configuration File controls whether APSAdmin (the API) should automatically set the immediate change flag (smapsImmediateChange) when a password is reset.

If any applicable setting is TRUE, the immediate change flag will be set.

One exception: if, on the same update, the immediate change flag is explicitly updated, APSAdmin will not update it automatically.

Disabling, Enabling & Redisabling

When building the XML to describe a user account, APS examines a number of things to determine if that element is currently disabling the account, whether the element can be used to disable the account, or if the element will cause the account to be disabled at the next login.

As part of the XML user tag (<user>), APS will return the reasons that the account is disabled, if any, in an XML attribute called "disabled". This is a text string identifying all of the reasons that the account is disabled.

The APSAdmin interface will display these reasons at the top of the panel, along with a graphic indicating that the displayed record is disabled. Possibly, the administrator can reset all of these reasons. However, recall that access to each element in the user record must be explicitly granted. It is possible that not all reasons are accessible to the current administrator.

For groups, APS will check to see if the underlying group is a disabling group. If so, an XML attribute is associated with the field identifying the "Disabled Reason". The APSAdmin interface uses this information to determine if the disabled graphic might be required for that group's membership.

The APSAdmin interface "knows" how to handle the disabling fields smapsDisableUntil, smapsDisableAfter, and smapsMustLoginBy. There is no special XML information generated. If any of these fields disable the account, the interface will display the disabled icon.

During XML generation, APS also may produce an additional XML attribute for the smapsBaseDate and smapsFailureCount fields called redisable. If this attribute is passed, it means that the current value of these fields will cause the account to be disabled at their next login, even if all other disabling values are clear.

For example, if the password has expired, the record might be placed into an LDAP disabling group. The group might be passed to the interface with the proper reason code. The reason code will be passed as part of the XML user tag. If the smapsBaseDate is included in the output, it will have the redisable setting, since, even if the membership in the disable group is reset, the password will just expire again. To get around this, the administrator will need to reset the Base Date. The APSAdmin interface displays a special icon in this case that looks like the standard disabled icon, with a little arrow showing that the user account will become disabled.

Each cause that can disable the user account is separately presented, both in the XML and by the APSAdmin interface. Elements must have explicit rights granted for an administrator to view and/or change. This can be used by a site to create layered administration. For example, there might be three reasons that an account is disabled:

All administrators will see all of the reasons why the account is disabled at the top of the panel (even if they do not have rights to the individual elements). The rationale is that a Help Desk administrator will be able to tell a user, presumably on the phone, why they cannot log in.

A low level Help Desk administrator might have the right to reset users who are locked out because of failure count:

RW.GROUP.FailureCount={@HelpDesk} true

But not have any rights to the other reason codes.

The next level up, @HelpDeskManager, might be able to do Password Expired as well:

RW.GROUP.PwdExpired={@HelpDeskManager} true

But Credit Limit Exceeded can only be reset by the accounting system. The site may wish to grant read rights to that group, so that it is explicitly shown on the form, but no administrator may change it.

Special Field & Group Handling

The APSAdmin interface recognizes all of the APS-specific fields by logical name. It will translate, edit, and display these fields in appropriate way for their meaning. For example, the date fields (which APS always stores in Greenwich Time) will be displayed/entered in the time zone local to the browser. APSAdmin will handle the conversions to and from GMT.

To reiterate: these fields are recognized by logical name. If these field names are remapped to something else (like smapsBaseDate is passed as BaseDate), the APSAdmin interface will not recognize the field and will not perform its special processing.

APSAdmin recognizes disabling groups, as discussed in the previous section. This not only includes the "known" APS disabling groups, but site-specific, custom ones as well.

Other Field & Group Handling

Other fields and groups, without specific APS processing, can be used as well, with any desired access right (read, write, read/write). However, the interface will display the value using unmodifable defaults and accept unedited input. No special processing will be performed and there is no way, using the APSAdmin executable, to specify special processing.

The primary purpose of allowing these fields is so that a Help Desk administrator can use things like Name and Phone Number to accurately identify the user on the phone. This type of information often needs to be displayed.

Sometimes, simple fields might also be editable, like Email Address. Just keep in mind that the input field is of limited length and there will be no syntax checking of any kind on the field.

APSAdmin should not be used as a replacement for a full user administration system; it is not intended to be so. If this kind of functionality is required, there are a number of tools available. For LDAP directories, Delegated Management Services (DMS2) is uniquely qualified for this purpose.

Running APSAdmin from the Command Line

APSAdmin can also be run from the command line. This is not useful (or recommended!) for a production system, but can be used effectively during automated or semi-automated testing to 1) reset user records to known states and 2) determining if expected updates to the user record are taking place.

The command line syntax is:

APSAdmin -A<adminPath>



The fully qualified path name of the administrator. This is the SiteMinder login user, not the SiteMinder GUI administrator.

This value is a full user path in the form


such as:



The credentials of an administrator defined to the SiteMinder Policy Server User Interface (GUI). This is not a SiteMinder login. This administrator must have User Management rights. Both the administrator ID and the password must be supplied, separated by a semicolon (";"). The combination can be passed encrypted (using APSEncrypt).


The fully qualified path to the user whose information is to be retrieved. You can specify either the -R option (to read a user) or -W (to write a user), but not both.

This value is a full user path in the form


such as:



Specifies the file containing the updates to write, in XML format. For a description of the format of this file, see the description for the APSAdminWrite API function starting on Unsupported "Page" Cross-Reference.


Context macros can be defined on the command line using this syntax (multiples can be specified). These macros are passed to APS and can be used in Settings Overrides in the APS Configuration File. This can be really useful to limit the output on a user read.

Security Note

There may be a security concern with command line use of APSAdmin. Specifically, when run under the Web, APSAdmin can "guarantee" that the adminPath is the currently authenticated user. However, when run from the command line, this is not possible. There are two things to consider here: