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Obtain the Session Specification using an FCC

The Web Agent includes the session specification in the set of headers that it includes with every request. The session specification header can be submitted as a password using a several FCC directives. The @smheaders directive is used to include the SMSERVERSESSIONSPEC header in the FCC’s namespace, and the @password directive is used to set the password to the contents of the SMSERVERSESSIONSPEC header.

The SM_SERVERSESSIONSPEC/SMSERVERSESSION header is only available if DisableSessionVars is set to its default value of false in the Web Agent configuration file.

Note: If the LegacyVariables Web Agent parameter is set to Yes, then the header should be SM_SERVERSESSIONSPEC. If the LegacyVariables Web Agent parameter is set to No, then the header should be SMSERVERSESSIONSPEC. The LegacyVariables parameter is not supported for Web Agents on IIS 6.0 web servers. For Web Agents on IIS 6.0, SMSERVERSESSIONSPEC is always the correct header.