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Upgrade a SOA Agent to a 12.52 WSS Agent

This section contains the following topics:

How to Upgrade a SOA Agent

How to Upgrade a SOA Agent

Upgrading a SOA Agent to a 12.52 WSS Agent involves several separate procedures. To upgrade your agent, Follow these steps::

  1. Verify that you are in the proper step of the upgrade process for an agent upgrade. You upgrade agents to 12.52 from r12.1 SP3 at stage two of the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security upgrade process, as shown in the following illustration:

    12.51 migration stages 1 thru 3

  2. Create backup copies of any customized agent-related files on your web server. Examples of files you could have customized after installing or configuring your agent include the following files:
  3. If you are upgrading an agent on a UNIX/Linux operating environment, clear the LD_PRELOAD variable.
  4. Gather information for the following CA SiteMinder® programs.
  5. Run the installation wizard to upgrade your agent on Windows or UNIX.
  6. If you are upgrading an agent on a UNIX/Linux operating environment, source the agent environment script on the upgraded agent).
  7. Run the configuration wizard to configure the upgraded agent on Windows or UNIX.
Verify That the LD_PRELOAD Variable Does Not Conflict with Existing Agent

If you are upgrading or reinstalling a SiteMinder WSS Agent on a Linux system, from the shell, set the LD_PRELOAD variable so that it points to a different location from any existing agent installation directory. For example, if an existing LD_PRELOAD entry is set to:


Before you reinstall or upgrade, set the variable to:

export LD_PRELOAD=

This entry sets the variable to a blank value.

Run the Installation Wizard to Upgrade Your Agent on Windows

The installation program for the SiteMinder WSS Agent installs the agent on one computer at a time using the Windows operating environment. This installation program can be run in wizard or console modes. The wizard and console-based installation programs also create a .properties file for subsequent installations and configurations using the unattended or silent method with the same settings.

For example, suppose the Agents in your environment use the same web server version, installation directory, Agent Configuration Object and Policy Servers. Use the installation wizard or console-based installation program for your first installation. Afterwards, you could create your own script to run the installation program with the .properties file the wizard or console-based installation program created.

Follow these steps:

  1. Copy the SiteMinder WSS Agent installation executable file to a temporary directory on your web server.
  2. Do one of the following steps:

    Important! If you are running this wizard on Windows Server 2008, run the executable file with Administrator permissions, even if you are logged into the system as an Administrator. For more information, see the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Release Notes.

  3. Use the information that you gathered previously to complete the installation.

Note: The software upgrade occurs in the installed location of the existing SOA Agent.

Run the Installation Wizard to Upgrade your Agent on UNIX/Linux

The installation program for the SiteMinder WSS Agent installs the agent on one computer at a time using the UNIX or Linux operating environments. This installation program can be run in wizard or console modes. The wizard and console-based installation program also creates a .properties file for subsequent installations and configurations using the unattended or silent method with the same settings.

For example, suppose the Agents in your environment use the same web server version, installation directory, Agent Configuration Object and Policy Servers. Use the installation wizard or console-based installation program for your first installation. Afterwards, you could create your own script to run the installation program with the .properties file the wizard or console-based installation program created.

Follow these steps:

  1. Copy the SiteMinder WSS Agent installation executable file to a temporary directory on your web server.
  2. Log in as a root user.
  3. Do one of the following steps:
  4. Use the information from your agent Installation worksheet to complete the installation program.

Note: The software upgrade occurs in the installed location of the existing SOA Agent.

Set the Library Path Variable Before Configuring your Upgraded Agent on UNIX/Linux

Set the library path variable on UNIX or Linux systems before running the agent configuration program.

The following table lists the library path variables for the various UNIX and Linux operating environments:

Operating System

Name of Library Path Variable







Set the value of the library path variable to the web_agent_home/bin directory.


Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed.

Default (UNIX/Linux installations): /opt/ca/webagent

Run the Configuration Wizard on Your Upgraded SiteMinder WSS Agent on Windows

After gathering the information for your agent configuration, run the agent configuration program. This program creates an agent runtime instance for the web servers running on your computer.

This configuration program is wizard or console based, depending on the option you select. Running the configuration program in the wizard or console mode once creates a properties file. Use the properties file to run unattended configurations on other computers with same operating environment in the future.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the following directory on your web server:

    Specifies the path to where CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security is installed.

    Default: C:\Program Files\CA\Web Services Security

  2. Use one of the following configuration methods:
  3. Use the information you gathered earlier to complete the wizard.
  4. The agent runtime instance is created for your web servers.
Run the Configuration Wizard on Your Upgraded SiteMinder WSS Agent on UNIX/Linux

After gathering the information for your agent configuration, run the agent configuration program. This program creates an agent runtime instance for the web servers running on your computer.

This configuration program is wizard or console based, depending on the option you select. Running the configuration program in the wizard or console mode once creates a properties file. Use the properties file to run unattended configurations on other computers with same operating environment in the future.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a Console Window with root privileges on your web server:
  2. Navigate to the following location:

    Specifies the path to where CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security is installed.

  3. Enter one of the following commands:

    GUI Mode: ./ca-pep-config.bin

    Console Mode: ./ca-pep-config.bin -i console

    The Configuration Wizard starts.

  4. Use one of the following configuration methods:
  5. Use the information you gathered earlier to complete the wizard.

    The agent runtime instance is created for your web servers.