Previous Topic: Implement the MessageConsumerPlugin InterfaceNext Topic: Enable the Message Consumer Plug-in in the UI

Deploy a Message Consumer Plug-in

After you have coded your implementation class for the MessageConsumerPlugin interface, compile it and verify that CA SiteMinder® Federation can find your executable file.

Follow these steps:

  1. Compile the MessageConsumerPlugin Java file. The file requires the following dependent libraries, which are installed with the product:


    federation_install_dir is the directory where you installed CA SiteMinder® Federation

  2. When a plug-in class is available, in a folder or a jar file, modify the -Djava.class.path value in the JVMOptions.txt file. This step enables the plug-in class to load with the modified classpath.

    Locate the JVMOptions.txt file in the directory federation_mgr_installation_home\siteminder\config.

    Note: Do not modify the classpath for the existing xerces.jar, xalan.jar, or SmJavaApi.jar.

  3. Restart the system to pick up the latest version of MessageConsumerPlugin. This step is necessary each time the plug-in Java file is recompiled.
  4. Enable the plug-in.