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Implement the MessageConsumerPlugin Interface

Create a custom message consumer plug-in by implementing the interface. The minimum requirements for the implementation class are listed in the following procedure.

Follow these steps:

  1. Provide a public default constructor method that contains no parameters.
  2. Provide code so that the implementation is stateless. Many threads must be able to use a single plug-in class.
  3. Implement methods in the interface as your requirements demand.

    The MessageConsumerPlugin includes the following four methods:


    Performs initialization procedures that the plug-in requires. CA SiteMinder® calls this method once for each plug-in instance, when the plug-in is loaded.


    Performs any rundown procedures that the plug-in requires. CA SiteMinder® calls this method once for each plug-in instance, when CA SiteMinder® is shutting down.


    Provides processing to disambiguate a user when the authentication scheme is unable to do so. Alternatively, this method can add data for new federation users to a user store. This method receives the decrypted assertion. The decrypted assertion is added to the properties map passed to plug-in under the key "_DecryptedAssertion".


    Provides additional code to determine the outcome of assertion processing, regardless of whether the Policy Server processing is a success or failure.

The product provides the following samples of the Message Consumer plug-in class:

The default location for the samples is:


C:\Program Files\FederationManager\sdk\java\sample

The package name is com\ca\federation\sdk\plugin\sample.



The package name is com/ca/federation/sdk/plugin/sample.