Federation Guides › Partnership Federation Guide › Assertion Configuration at the Asserting Party › Customize Assertion Content › Implement the AssertionGeneratorPlugin Interface
Implement the AssertionGeneratorPlugin Interface
The first step in creating a custom assertion generator plug-in is to implement the AssertionGeneratorPlugin interface. The following requirements apply to the implementation class:
- The implementation must provide a public default constructor method that contains no parameters.
- The implementation must be stateless, so that many threads can use a single plug-in class.
- The implementation must include a call to the customizeAssertion methods. You can overwrite the existing implementations of these methods as your requirements dictate. See the sample programs.
- The syntax requirements and use of the parameter string that is passed into the customizeAssertion method is the responsibility of the custom object.
Note: The folder federation_sdk_home\sample\com\ca\federation\sdk\plugin\sample includes two sample implementation classes.
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