Previous Topic: Implement the AssertionGeneratorPlugin InterfaceNext Topic: Enable the Assertion Generator Plug-in

Deploy an Assertion Generator Plug-in

After you have coded your implementation class for the AssertionGeneratoPlugin interface, compile it and verify that CA SiteMinder® Federation can find your executable file.

To deploy the assertion generator plug-in

  1. Compile the assertion plug-in code in one of the following ways:
  2. In the JVMOptions.txt file, modify the -Djava.class.path value so it includes the classpath for the plug-in. Locate the JVMOptions.txt file in the directory federation_install_dir\siteminder\config.

    You can place the plug-in jar in any directory and have the JVMOptions.txt file point to it. To use the sample plug-in, modify the classpath to point to fedpluginsample.jar; however, do not modify the classpath for smapi.jar.

    Note: To use Apache Xerces or Xalan in your plug-in, use the Xerces or Xalan binary files installed with CA SiteMinder® Federation. The binaries are not installed with the CA SiteMinder® Federation SDK. Using these files is necessary for compatibility reasons.

  3. Restart the CA SiteMinder® Federation services.

    Restarting the services helps ensure that CA SiteMinder® Federation uses the latest version of the assertion generator plug-in.