If APSAdmin is invoked with a user, it will attempt to display the information about that user.
The user is specified to APSAdmin using two query string options. Usually, these both must be URL-encoded:
USER=<user identity>
For example:
http://server/APSAdmin/APSAdmin?DIR=LDAP%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1 &USER=uid%3Derict%2Co%3Dnds.com
Other options may appear in the query string as well.
If the current administrator does not have access to the requested user, no fields are configured in the APS Configuration File, or a communications error occurs, an error message will be displayed.
APSAdmin supports a number of options in this mode. Some options can be specified in the query string, some options are specified using SiteMinder Responses.Customization Options
If READONLY appears in the query string, the display will be in read-only mode; that is, all allowed fields will be displayed, no data entry will be possible.
If multiple query string options are used, READONLY must be separated from other options with an ampersand ("&").
Some sites may wish to display a Help button on this panel. APSAdmin can display a Help button that will display a site-supplied URL.
To make APSAdmin provide a Help button, define a static response (using the SiteMinder Policy Server User Interface) called HELPURL. The value of this attribute should be the URL containing the help text to be displayed.
Different help URLs can be specified for different APSAdmin panels by using different rules based on the query string (this will be complicated because of the many query string options, but it is possible --- you will have to use regular expressions when defining the Rule).
Some sites may wish to display a Cancel button on this panel. APSAdmin can display a Cancel button that, when pressed, will return the user to a specified URL.
To make APSAdmin provide a Cancel button, pass the desired URL in the query string using the CancelTo option.
Note that the target is URL-encoded.
Some sites will display the user information form in a read-only mode in a pop-up window. In this case, a Cancel button is inappropriate, since it will leave the window open, but on a new URL.
To tell APSAdmin to display a Close button, use Close on the URL. APSAdmin will then display a Close button, with associated JavaScript to close the current window. Note that if this JavaScript is executed in the main window of the browser, the user will be prompted when the button is pressed.
As is the case with all APSAdmin buttons, the text on the button can be modified in the APSAdmin.lang file.
To suppress the Reset button, use the APSAdmin.lang file (located on the Web Server) to translate the key USERDISPLAY_RESET to a null value. The Reset button will not be displayed.
Some text on the User Display page is translated using the APSAdmin.lang file stored on the Language directory on the Web Server. This includes the window title, the dialog title, contents of drop-down entry values, error messages and quite a few screen constants. It may not include field prompts.
APSAdmin does not normally translate the field and section prompts. These prompts are defined in the APS Configuration File and are passed to the APSAdmin program through the API. Under normal operation, they will be displayed as provided (this eliminates the need to update the APSAdmin.lang for every possible prompt).
If a site wants to translate prompts, change the prompt definition in the APS.cfg file so that the prompt starts with the character #. APSAdmin will recognize this as a translation request. The prompt, as supplied, will be translated. The default value for the prompt will be the same as the prompt, with the # character removed.
This applies to both field and section prompts.
The look and feel of this panel can be customized using a Cascading Style sheet. APSAdmin, by default, embeds style definitions directly into its output. However, before doing so, it checks for the existence of a file, on the same directory as the APSAdmin program, called APSAdmin.css. If the css file exists, it will be used instead of the default styles.
The simplest way to build a css file is to bring up the form and select View Source within your browser. Simply copy the styles (those lines in the HTML header starting with a period) from the HTML into a new file called APSAdmin.css and store that file on the same directory as the APSAdmin executable. After that, modify the css file as desired.
By examining the generated HTML source, an HTML-savvy programmer can determine which styles are used for the various elements, and then modify them to create the desired look and feel. Be forewarned, however, that Style Sheet support varies between browsers and browser versions, so be sure to test it for your supported platforms.
The same style sheet file is used for both User Selection and User Display panels, though, in most cases, different styles are used on each form. If the CSS file is used, it will have to be used for both forms.
The small graphics displayed are supplied with APSAdmin as GIF files. They can be replaced with any graphics desired. Keep in mind, however, the size at which they will be displayed.
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