Previous Topic: Installing the Administrative UINext Topic: Register the Administrative UI

How to Install the Administrative UI

Complete the following steps to install the Administrative UI:

  1. Be sure that you have reviewed the Administrative UI installation checklist.
  2. (Linux) Review the required Linux libraries requirement.
  3. Gather information for the installer.
  4. (Optional) Reset the registration window.
  5. Install the Administrative UI.
  6. Register the Administrative UI.

Consider the following:

Required Linux Libraries

Certain library files are required for components operating on Linux operating environments. Failure to install the correct libraries can cause the following error:


If you are installing, configuring, or upgrading a Linux version of this component, the following libraries are required on the host system:

Red Hat 5.x


Red Hat 6.x (32-bit)


To have the appropriate 32-bit C run–time library for your operating environment, install the previous rpm.

Red Hat 6.x (64-bit)







libXrender-0.9.5-1.el6.i686.rpm (provided by expat-2.0.1-11.el6_2.i686.rpm) (provided by freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_2.9.i686.rpm) (provided by fontconfig-2.8.0-3.el6.i686.rpm)












Gather Information for the Installer

Gather the following information before installing and registering the Administrative UI:

More information:

Prerequisite Installer Worksheet

Reset the Administrative UI Registration Window

If either of the following actions occurred more than 24 hours ago, this step is required:

Note: (UNIX) Be sure that the SiteMinder environment variables are set before you use XPSRegClient. If the environment variables are not set, set them manually.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Policy Server host system.
  2. Run the following command:
    XPSRegClient siteminder_administrator[:passphrase] -adminui-setup -t timeout -r retries -c comment -cp -l log_path -e error_path -vT -vI -vW -vE -vF

    Specifies a SiteMinder administrator. If you are installing the Administrative UI as part of:

    • A new r12.5 environment, specify the following default account:
    • An upgrade, specify any SiteMinder administrator account with super user permissions in the policy store. If you do not have a super user account in the policy store, use the smreg utility to create the default account.

    Specifies the password for the SiteMinder administrator account.


    Specifies that the Administrative UI is being registered with a Policy Server for the first–time.

    -t timeout

    (Optional) Specifies how long you have after you install the Administrative UI to log in for the time to complete the registration. The Policy Server denies the registration request when the timeout value is exceeded.

    Unit of measurement: minutes

    Default: 1440 (24 hours)

    Minimum limit: 1

    Maximum limit: 1440 (24 hours)

    -r retries

    (Optional) Specifies how many failed attempts are allowed when you are registering the Administrative UI. A failed attempt can result from submitting incorrect SiteMinder administrator credentials when logging in to the Administrative UI for the first–time.

    Default: 1

    Maximum limit: 5

    -c comment

    (Optional) Inserts the specified comments into the registration log file for informational purposes.

    Note: Surround comments with quotes.


    (Optional) Specifies that registration log file can contain multiple lines of comments. The utility prompts for multiple lines of comments and inserts the specified comments into the registration log file for informational purposes.

    Note: Surround comments with quotes.

    -l log path

    (Optional) Specifies where the registration log file must be exported.

    Default: siteminder_home\log


    Specifies the Policy Server installation path.

    -e error path

    (Optional) Sends exceptions to the specified path.

    Default: stderr


    (Optional) Sets the verbosity level to TRACE.


    (Optional) Sets the verbosity level to INFO.


    (Optional) Sets the verbosity level to WARNING.


    (Optional) Sets the verbosity level to ERROR.


    (Optional) Sets the verbosity level to FATAL.

  3. Press Enter.

    The utility supplies the Policy Server with the administrator credentials. The Policy Server uses these credentials to verify the registration request when you log in to the Administrative UI for the first–time.

How to Install the Administrative UI

The following sections explain how to install the Administrative UI using the prerequisite installer as part of the stand-alone installation option.

Review Prerequisite Information

Consider the following items before you install the Administrative UI:

More information:

Install the Administrative UI

Locate the Installation Media

Installation Media Names

Install and Register the Administrative UI (Windows)

Run the prerequisite installer followed by the Administrative UI installer.

Follow these steps:

  1. Exit all applications that are running.
  2. Navigate to the installation media.
  3. Double-click prerequisite_installation_media.

    Specifies the Administrative UI prerequisite installer executable.

    The installer starts.

  4. Click Install.

    The required components are installed.

  5. Click Done.

    The Administrative UI installer starts.

  6. Follow the prompts and click Install.

    The Administrative UI is installed. The SiteMinder Administrative UI login screen appears.

  7. Type siteminder in the User Name field.
  8. Type the siteminder account password in the Password field.

    Note: If your superuser account password contains dollar‑sign ($) characters, replace each instance of the dollar-sign character with $DOLLAR$. For example, if the SiteMinder superuser account password is $password, enter $DOLLAR$password in the Password field.

  9. Type the fully qualified Policy Server host name in the Server field.

    Consider the following points:

    The Administrative UI opens and is registered with the Policy Server.

More information:

Installation Media Names

Install the Administrative UI (UNIX Systems)

Install the Administrative UI and prerequisite components to provide a console for management. This procedure describes how to install the Administrative UI on UNIX systems.

These instructions are for GUI and Console mode installations. The steps for the two modes are the same, with the following exceptions for Console Mode:

Follow these steps:

  1. Exit all applications that are running.
  2. Open a shell and navigate to the installation media.
  3. Enter one of the following commands:
    GUI mode
    Console mode
    ./prerequisite_installation_media -i console


    Specifies the Administrative UI prerequisite installer executable.

    The installer starts.

  4. Click Install.

    The required components are installed. The prerequisite installer prompts you to run the Administrative UI installer.

  5. Enter one of the following command:
    GUI mode
    Console mode
    ./installation_media -i console


    Specifies the Administrative UI installer executable.

    The Administrative UI installer starts.

  6. Follow the prompts and click Install.

    The Administrative UI is installed.

    Note: You cannot use the Administrative UI until you register it with a Policy Server.

After a successful UNIX installation, start the application server manually and log into the Administrative UI to complete the registration. For more information, see How to Register the Administrative UI.

Install the Administrative UI Using a UNIX Console

Install the Administrative UI and prerequisite components to provide a management console for all tasks that are related to access control, reporting, and policy analysis. This procedure describes how to install the Administrative UI using a UNIX console.

Follow these steps::

  1. Exit all applications that are running.
  2. Open a shell and navigate to the installation media.
  3. Enter the following command:
    ./prerequisite_installation_media -i console

    Specifies the Administrative UI prerequisite installer executable.

    The installer starts.

    Note: For a list of installation media names, see the Policy Server Release Notes.

  4. Use your completed installation worksheet to enter the required values.
  5. Press Enter.

    The required components are installed. The prerequisite installer prompts you to run the Administrative UI installer.

  6. Enter the following command:
    ./installation_media -i console

    Specifies the Administrative UI installer executable.

    The Administrative UI installer starts.

  7. Follow the prompts and press Enter.

    The Administrative UI is installed.

    Note: You cannot use the Administrative UI until you register it with a Policy Server.

After a successful UNIX installation, start the application server manually and log into the Administrative UI to complete the registration. For more information, see How to Register the Administrative UI.

Troubleshoot the Administrative UI Installation

Use the following files to troubleshoot the Administrative UI installation:

How to Register the Administrative UI

You are required to register the Administrative UI before it can be used to manage SiteMinder objects. Registering the Administrative UI creates a trusted connection between the Administrative UI and a Policy Server. Consider the following items:

Follow these steps:

  1. For versions before r12.52 SP1, Create the FIPS Environment Variable.
  2. Start the application server.
  3. Register the Administrative UI.

More information:

How to Register the Administrative UI

Create the FIPS Environment Variable

If your environment meets both of the following criteria, creating the FIPs environment variable is required to register the Administrative UI for the first–time:

Follow these steps:

  1. Complete one of the following steps:
  2. Set the following environment variable:


    Note: For more information about setting environment variables, see your OS–specific documentation.

  3. Verify that Windows or the UNIX shells that runs the Administrative UI correctly recognizes the CA_SM_PS_FIPS140 variable.
Start the Application Server

If you used the stand-alone option to install the Administrative UI, the following procedure applies. If you installed the Administrative UI to a system with an existing application server, go to the instructions for installing the Administrative UI to an existing application server.

To start the application server

  1. From the Administrative UI host system, do one of the following:
  2. Do one of the following:

    The application server is started.

More information:

Installing the Administrative UI to an Existing Application Server

Start the Application Server