The following sections detail common problems you may experience with the Policy Server during installation and the proposed solutions.
After installing the Policy Server on Solaris, the nete_ps_env.ksh script may have the following entry:
export NETE_PS_ALT_CONF_FILE=/export/siteminder/config/.siteminder.conf
The NETE_PS_ALT_CONF_FILE environment variable is used by the stop-all and start-all scripts, which stop and start the Policy Server’s service. The .siteminder.conf file is a temporary, run-time file created by these scripts and has no affect your SiteMinder configuration.
Do not modify the NETE_PS_ALT_CONF_FILE environment variable.
Valid on Windows and UNIX Systems
I have installed the Policy Server, but it is not starting.
You may have the wrong JRE version installed. Make sure you have the correct JRE version.
Note: For a list of supported CA and third-party components, refer to the SiteMinder r12.5 Platform Support Matrix on the Technical Support site.
Valid on UNIX
The Policy Server was installed without adding the SiteMinder environment variables (smprofile.ksh) to the .profile file. I need to set the SiteMinder environment variables manually.
To add the SiteMinder environment variables
Specifies the Policy Server installation path.
The SiteMinder environment variables are set.
Valid on Windows
When I try to log into the Policy Server, I receive the "Unable to proceed, winsock error 10054" message.
One of the following could be the cause of the problem:
Important! If you are accessing this graphical user interface on Windows Server 2008, open the shortcut with Administrator permissions. Use Administrator permissions even if you are logged in to the system as an Administrator. For more information, see the release notes for your SiteMinder component.
To request a SiteMinder license
The CA Customer Care site opens in a new window.
An online request form opens in a new window.
To add a permanent SiteMinder license to a Policy Server
Specifies the Policy Server installation path.
To find an existing SiteMinder license
The CA Licensing screen appears.
All license details, including the respective key, appear.
To apply a SiteMinder license key to the license file
Specifies the Policy Server installation path.
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