Previous Topic: Register the Audit Database with the Administrative UINext Topic: Stop the Report Server

Start the Report Server

(Windows) Follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, Programs, BusinessObjects XI 3.1, BusinessObjects Enterprise, Central Configuration Manager.

    The Central Configuration Manager console appears.

  2. Start the Apache Tomcat and Server Intelligence Agent Services.

    The Report Server is started.

(UNIX) Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the system as the non–root user that installed the Report Server.
  2. Be sure that at least one of the following environment variables is set to a valid utf8/UTF-8 locale:
  3. Navigate to report_server_home/CommonReporting3/external/scripts and run the following script:

    Specifies the Report Server installation path.

  4. Be sure that:
  5. Navigate to report_server_home/CommonReporting3/bobje

    Specifies the Report Server installation path.

  6. Run the following command:
  7. Run the following command:

    The Report Server is started.