Previous Topic: How to Configure an Audit DatabaseNext Topic: Start the Report Server

Register the Audit Database with the Administrative UI

You register the audit database with the Administrative UI to create a trusted connection between the components. Registering the audit database with the Administrative UI lets SiteMinder administrators create and manage audit-based reports.

Note: The Administrative UI can have a trusted relationship with one or more Policy Servers. However, each trusted relationship only allows one audit database connection. If you must connect to a new audit database, either delete the current connection or connect to another Policy Server to configure the connection.

To register the audit database with the Administrative UI

  1. Log into the Administrative UI.
  2. Click Administration, Admin UI.
  3. Click Report Connections, Create Audit Report Connection.

    The Create Audit Report Connection pane appears.

    Note: Click Help for descriptions of settings and controls, including their respective requirements and limits.

  4. Select the database vendor from the Database Vendor drop-down list.

    Vendor-specific fields appear.

  5. Type the name of the connection in the Connection Name field.
  6. Enter the audit database host system name or IP address in the Database Server Host field.
  7. Enter the audit database data source information in the DSN field:
  8. Enter the port on which the audit database server is listening in the Database Server Port field.
  9. Complete one of the following:
  10. Enter administrator credentials for the audit database in the respective fields.

    Note: The administrator credentials must match the credentials you specified in the Data tab of the Policy Server Management Console when configuring the audit database connection to the Policy Server.

  11. Click Submit.

    The audit database is registered with the Administrative UI.

Audit Database and Report Server Connectivity

A Report Server connects to a SiteMinder audit database to create audit-based reports. When an audit-based report is scheduled in the Administrative UI, the Administrative UI passes the following connection information to the Report Server:

To configure connectivity between the audit database and the Report Server, do one of the following:

Note: For more information about supported database drivers, see the r12.5 SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix.

More information:

Locate the Platform Support Matrix