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GetAuthScheme Method—Retrieves Authentication Scheme Object

The GetAuthScheme method retrieves the specified authentication scheme object. Existing authentication schemes are specified by name. To create a new authentication scheme, use this method to retrieve the type of authentication scheme object or template upon which you want the new scheme to be based. Then, pass the resulting object to the PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateAuthScheme method in the schemeTemplate parameter. For information about creating a SAML 2.0 authentication scheme, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateSAMLAuthScheme.


The GetAuthScheme method has the following format:



The GetAuthScheme method accepts the following parameter:

schemeName (string)

Specifies one of the following:

Return Value

The GetAuthScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetCertMap Method—Retrieves Certificate Mapping Object

The GetCertMap method retrieves the certificate mapping object specified by the certificate issuer's DN.


The GetCertMap method has the following format:



The GetCertMap method accepts the following parameter:

issuerDN (string)

Specifies the certificate issuer's DN.

Return Value

The GetCertMap method returns one of the following values:

GetDomain Method—Retrieves Domain Object

The GetDomain method retrieves the specified policy domain object.


The GetDomain method has the following format:



The GetDomain method accepts the following parameter:

domName (string)

Specifies the name of the domain to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetDomain method returns one of the following values:

GetGlobalPolicy Method—Retrieves Global Policy Object

The GetGlobalPolicy method retrieves the specified global policy object.


The GetGlobalPolicy method has the following format:



The GetGlobalPolicy method accepts the following parameter:

policyName (string)

Specifies the name of the global policy to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetGlobalPolicy method returns one of the following values:

GetGlobalResponse Method—Retrieves Global Response Object

The GetGlobalResponse method retrieves the specified global response object.


The GetGlobalResponse method has the following format:



The GetGlobalResponse method accepts the following parameter:

responseName (string)

Specifies the name of the global response to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetGlobalResponse method returns one of the following values:

GetGlobalRule Method—Retrieves Global Rule Object

The GetGlobalRule method retrieves the specified global rule object.


The GetGlobalRule method has the following format:



The GetGlobalRule method accepts the following parameter:

ruleName (string)

Specifies the name of the global rule to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetGlobalRule method returns one of the following values:

GetHostConfig Method—Retrieves Host Configuration Object

The GetHostConfig method retrieves the specified host configuration object.


The GetHostConfig method has the following format:



The GetHostConfig method accepts the following parameter:

hcName (string)

Specifies the name of the host configuration object to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetHostConfig method returns one of the following values:

GetODBCQueryScheme Method—Retrieves ODBC Query Scheme Object

The GetODBCQueryScheme method retrieves the specified ODBC query scheme object.


The GetODBCQueryScheme method has the following format:



The GetODBCQueryScheme method accepts the following parameter:

schemeName (string)

Specifies the ODBC query scheme to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetODBCQueryScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetPwdPolicy Method—Retrieves Password Policy Object

The GetPwdPolicy method retrieves the specified password policy object.


The GetPwdPolicy method has the following format:



The GetPwdPolicy method accepts the following parameter:

pwdPolicyName (string)

Specifies the name of the password policy to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetPwdPolicy method returns one of the following values:

GetRegScheme Method—Retrieves Registration Scheme Object

The GetRegScheme method retrieves the specified registration scheme object.


The GetRegScheme method has the following format:



The GetRegScheme method accepts the following parameter:

schemeName (string)

Specifies the name of the registration scheme to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetRegScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetSAMLAffiliation Method—Retrieves SAML 2.0 Affiliation Object

The GetSAMLAffiliation method retrieves the specified SAML 2.0 affiliation object.


The GetSAMLAffiliation method has the following format:



The GetSAMLAffiliation method accepts the following parameter:

affilName (string)

Specifies the name or OID of the SAML affiliation to retrieve.

Note: When an OID is specified, it can be prefixed with the "@" character.

Return Value

The GetSAMLAffiliation method returns one of the following values:

GetSAMLAffiliationById Method—Retrieves SAML 2.0 Affiliation Object by ID

The GetSAMLAffiliationById method retrieves the SAML 2.0 affiliation object specified by the affiliation ID passed to the method.


The GetSAMLAffiliationById method has the following format:



The GetSAMLAffiliationById method accepts the following parameter:

affilID (string)

Specifies the affiliation ID of the SAML affiliation to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetSAMLAffiliationById method returns one of the following values:

GetSharedSecretPolicy Method—Retrieves Shared Secret Policy Object

The GetSharedSecretPolicy method retrieves the specified shared secret rollover policy object. Because each policy store domain can have only one shared secret rollover policy, there is no need to pass the name of the policy to this method.


The GetSharedSecretPolicy method has the following format:



The GetSharedSecretPolicy method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetSharedSecretPolicy method returns the following value:

GetTrustedHost Method—Retrieves Trusted Host Object

The GetTrustedHost method retrieves the specified trusted host object.


The GetTrustedHost method has the following format:



The GetTrustedHost method accepts the following parameter:

thName (string)

Specifies the name of the trusted host to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetTrustedHost method returns one of the following values:

GetUserDir Method—Retrieves User Directory Object

The GetUserDir method retrieves the specified user directory object.


The GetUserDir method has the following format:



The GetUserDir method accepts the following parameter:

dirName (string)

Specifies the name of the user directory to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetUserDir method returns one of the following values:

GetVariableType Method—Retrieves Variable Type Object

The GetVariableType method retrieves the specified variable type object. To create a new variable object of the specified type, pass the resulting variable type object to the CreateVariable method in the varType parameter.


The GetVariableType method has the following format:



The GetVariableType method accepts the following parameter:

varTypeName (string)

Specifies one of the following variable type names:

SiteMinder Variable Types






TransactionMinder Variable Types






Note: Variable type names are case-sensitive and must not contain spaces.

Return Value

The GetVariableType method returns one of the following values:


You cannot create a TransactionMinder variable with the Command Line Interface. If you have TransactionMinder and the Option Pack installed, you can create TransactionMinder variables in the Administrative UI.

RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme Method—Removes Attribute from SAML Scheme

The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method removes an attribute from a SAML 2.0 authentication scheme.


The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme(scheme, pSAMLRequesterAttr)


The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme from which to remove the attribute.

pSAMLRequesterAttribute (string)

Specifies the attribute to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method returns one of the following values:

SAMLAuthSchemeProperties Method—Sets or Retrieves SAML Metadata Properties

The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method sets or retrieves the SAML 2.0 metadata properties that reside in an existing SAML 2.0 authentication scheme. For a complete list of SAML 2.0 metadata properties, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateSAMLAuthScheme.


The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>SAMLAuthSchemeProperties(scheme, propsHash_ref)


The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the authentication scheme whose metadata properties are set or retrieved.

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties to set or retrieve.

Return Value

The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method returns one of the following values:


When the hashtable is empty, the SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method retrieves all metadata properties. You can define an empty hashtable as follows:


Then, you can reference the empty hashtable as follows:


Finally, you can pass the hashtable reference to the SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method through the propsHash_ref parameter.

WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties Method—Sets or Retrieves WS-Federation Properties

The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method sets or retrieves the WS-Federation metadata properties in an existing WS-Federation authentication scheme. For a complete list of WS-Federation metadata properties, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateWSFEDAuthScheme.


The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties(scheme, propsHash_ref)


The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the authentication scheme whose WS-Federation metadata properties are set or retrieved.

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties to set or retrieve.

Return Value

The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method returns one of the following values:


When the hashtable is empty, the WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method retrieves all metadata properties. You can define an empty hashtable as follows:


Then, you can reference the empty hashtable as follows:


Finally, you can pass the hashtable reference to the WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method through the propsHash_ref parameter.