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CLI Shared Secret Rollover Methods

Enabled Method—Sets or Retrieves Rollover Enabled Flag for Policy

The Enabled method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether the shared secret rollover policy is enabled.


The Enabled method has the following format:



The Enabled method accepts the following parameter:

enableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the enabled flag.

Return Value

The Enabled method returns the new or existing value for the enabled flag:


If the shared secret rollover policy is enabled, rollover must also be enabled for any trusted host whose shared secret needs to be synchronized with the rollover policy's shared secret. To enable rollover for a trusted host object, call the method PolicyMgtTrustedHost‑>RolloverEnabled.

RolloverFrequency Method—Sets or Retrieves Rollover Frequency for Policy

The RolloverFrequency method sets or retrieves the rollover frequency for the rollover policy. This value determines how often the shared secret is automatically updated in the time period specified by the method PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy‑>RolloverPeriod.


The RolloverFrequency method has the following format:



The RolloverFrequency method accepts the following parameter:

rollFreq (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the rollover frequency.

Range: rollFreq >= 1

Return Value

The RolloverFrequency method returns the following value:

RolloverPeriod Method—Sets or Retrieves Rollover Period for Policy

The RolloverPeriod method sets or retrieves the rollover period for the rollover policy. The rollover period can have one of four values: hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. The rollover period is used with the rollover frequency to specify how often the shared secret is automatically changed. For example, if the rollover frequency is two and the rollover period is weekly, then the shared secret is automatically changed every two weeks. To set the rollover frequency, call the PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy‑>RolloverFrequency method.


The RolloverPeriod method has the following format:



The RolloverPeriod method accepts the following parameter:

rollPeriod (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the rollover period.

Return Value

The RolloverPeriod method returns one of the following values:

Save Method—Saves Shared Secret Policy Object

The Save method saves the shared secret policy object to the policy store. Call this method once after making all changes to the shared secret policy object. You must call this method for the changes to take effect.


The Save method has the following format:



The Save method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Save method returns one of the following values: