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Policy Store Troubleshooting

The following sections detail common problems you may experience with the policy store during installation and the proposed solutions.

Policy Stores with Large Numbers of Objects

Valid on Windows and UNIX Systems


My Policy store has returned the exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBounds to the Administrative UI.


Policy Stores with large numbers of objects may return the exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBounds to the Administrative UI.

Define the registry key \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Netegrity\SiteMinder\CurrentVersion\ObjectStore\MaxObjects to a value lower than 100 (such as 50).

SSL initialization failed: error -8174 (security library: bad database.)

Valid on Windows and UNIX Systems


My environment is configured with an Oracle Directory Server policy store. The policy store is configured to communicate over SSL.

I have received the following error message:

SSL initialization failed: error -8174 (security library: bad database.)

The message appears after I run the following command:

smldapsetup ldmod -fpstore -ssl1 -c/app/siteminder/ssl/cert8.db


  1. Verify that the key3.db file exists in the same directory as the cert8.db file.
  2. Rerun the smldapsetup command. User the -c option to specify the path of the directory where the SSL client certificate database file exists.



More Information:


ODBC Policy Store Import Fails with UserDirectory Error


I receive an error message stating that the policy store failed operation "save" for object type "UserDirectory" when importing policy store data into an ODBC policy store.


It is possible that the server name in the ODBC store's userDirectory object is longer than 512 characters, which by default, exceeds the limit allowed by the MS SQL Server and Oracle policy store schema scripts that are shipped with SiteMinder.

Do one of the following:

If you are trying to import policy data into a supported version of a MS SQL Server policy store:

  1. Open sm_mssql_ps.sql.

    Note: This schema script is located in policy_server_home\db\SQL.

  2. Search for the following text:

    CREATE TABLE smuserdirectory5

  3. Modify "server smstringreq512N," to one of the following depending on your needs:
  4. Re-import the policy store schema into the policy store.
  5. Import the policy store data.

If you are trying to import policy data into a supported version of an Oracle policy store:

  1. Open sm_oracle_ps.sql.

    Note: This schema script is located in policy_server_home\db\SQL.

  2. Search for the following text:

    CREATE TABLE smuserdirectory5

  3. Modify "server VARCHAR2(512) NOT NULL," to one of the following depending on your needs:
  4. Re-import the policy store schema into the policy store.
  5. Import the policy store data.