SiteMinder begins a user session after a user logs in and is authenticated. SiteMinder stores user attributes in its user session cache. When you disable a user, the Agent flushes the session cache, removing user identification and session information.
When the user attempts to access additional resources in the current session, the Web Agent no longer has the user’s data in its cache. The Agent contacts the Policy Server and attempts to re-authenticate the user. The Policy Server determines that this user is disabled in the user directory and rejects the Agent’s request to authenticate, which ends the session.
Follow these steps:
The Manage User Accounts pane opens.
The Policy Server displays the Directory Users pane.
The Policy Server displays search results in the Users/Groups group box.
The Change user's state group box contains a button. This button is labeled Enable for a disabled user, or Disable for an enabled user.
The Policy Server disables or enables the selected user by changing a value in the user’s profile.
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