The Manage User Accounts pane in the Administrative UI enables you to force password changes for users, or change user passwords to new values.
Be sure that a password policy exists before you force users to change passwords. If no password policy exists, users will not be able to change their passwords, and therefore will not be able to access protected resources.
If you force a user to change passwords, and the user is accessing resources through an Agent that is not using an SSL connection, the user’s new password information will be received over the non-secure connection. To provide a secure change of passwords, set up a password policy that redirects the user over an SSL connection when changing passwords.
Follow these steps:
The Policy Server displays the user directory search dialog box associated with the type of directory you selected from the Directory drop-down list.
The Policy Server displays search results in the Users/Groups group box.
Note: The password that you specify is not constrained by any password policy but it is recorded in the user's password history.
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