Installation and Upgrade Guides › Web Agent Installation Guide for Domino › Upgrade a Web Agent to r12.5
Upgrade a Web Agent to r12.5
This section contains the following topics:
Agent for Domino Upgrade Roadmap
How to Upgrade an Agent for Domino
Agent for Domino Upgrade Roadmap
The following illustration shows the separate procedures that are required to upgrade an Agent for Domino to r12.5:

How to Upgrade an Agent for Domino
Upgrading a SiteMinder agent involves several separate procedures. To prepare for an upgrade of your agent, follow these steps:
- Use one of the following diagrams to verify that you are in the proper step of the SiteMinder upgrade process for an agent upgrade:
- Create backup copies of any customized SiteMinder files on your Domino server. Examples of files you could have customized after installing or configuring your agent include the following files:
- LocalConfig.conf.
- WebAgent.conf.
- Gather information for the following SiteMinder programs.
- Agent installation wizard.
- Agent configuration wizard.
- Use one of the following procedures to upgrade your agent:
- Perform the appropriate procedures for your operating environment from the following list:
- Use one of the following procedures to configure the upgraded agent:
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