Installation and Upgrade Guides › Web Agent Installation Guide for Apache-based servers › Upgrade a Web Agent to r12.5
Upgrade a Web Agent to r12.5
This section contains the following topics:
Agent Upgrade Roadmap
How to Prepare for a SiteMinder Agent Upgrade
Agent Upgrade Roadmap
The following illustration describes how to upgrade a SiteMinder Agent to r12.5:

How to Prepare for a SiteMinder Agent Upgrade
Upgrading a SiteMinder agent involves several separate procedures. To prepare for an upgrade of your agent, follow these steps:
- Use one of the following diagrams to verify that you are in the proper step of the SiteMinder upgrade process for an agent upgrade:
- Create backup copies of any customized SiteMinder files on your web server. Examples of files you could have customized after installing or configuring your agent include the following examples:
- LocalConfig.conf
- WebAgent.conf
- Gather information for the following SiteMinder programs.
- If you are upgrading an agent on a UNIX/Linux operating environment, clear the LD_PRELOAD variable. Otherwise, continue with the next step.
- Use one of the following procedures to upgrade your agent:
- If you are upgrading an agent on a UNIX/Linux operating environment, set the LD_LIBRARYPATH variable. Otherwise, continue with the next step.
- Use one of the following procedures to configure the upgraded agent:
Upgrade Process from SiteMinder r12.0
An agent upgrade to r12.5 from r12.0 occurs at stage two of the SiteMinder upgrade process, as shown in the following illustration:

Note: For more information about the SiteMinder upgrade process, see the Upgrade Guide.
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