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Configure Single Sign-On from SiteMinder to CA SSO

The product provides single sign-on to CA SSO environments.

To enable single sign-on from SiteMinder to CA SSO using a SiteMinder Web Agent or CA SiteMinder® SPS

Enable the SiteMinder SSO Plug-in that is installed with the agent or CA SiteMinder® SPS:

For the Apache 2.0 Web Agent

Note: Restart the web server after you modify the WebAgent.conf file so the new configuration settings take effect.

For the 6.0 CA SiteMinder® SPS

Note: Restart the CA SiteMinder® SPS after you modify the WebAgent.conf file so the new configuration settings take effect.

Follow these steps:

  1. Configure the domain in the webagent.ini file of the WAC Web Agent by setting the following parameter:


    where <domain> is the same domain (for example, for the CA SSO and SiteMinder Web Agents.

    The file is installed in the following location on the WAC Web Agent computer:

    C:\Program Files\CA\WebAccessControl\WebAgent\webagent.ini

  2. Verify the following web server and the authentication method settings in the webagent.ini file:

CA SSO Policy Manager Verification Steps

  1. Ensure that the SiteMinder and CA SSO Policy Servers use the same user or authentication store.
  2. Verify the following settings:
SiteMinder Policy Server Configuration Steps
  1. Create a Web Agent, Agent Configuration Object, and Host Configuration Object using the Administrative UI.
  2. Configure the SiteMinder and CA SSO Policy Servers for the same user or authentication store.
  3. Configure a smetssocookie (certificate) custom active response.
  4. Create a domain, realm, and rules using the Administrative UI. Protect any resource with the SiteMinder Web Agent.

    Note: When creating the rules, append the smetssocookie custom active response to them.

Overall Verification Steps

  1. Configure the user with credentials to access resources that are protected by the SiteMinder Web Agent and the WAC Web Agent.
  2. Restart the SiteMinder Policy Server and Web server hosting the Administrative UI.
  3. Access the resource that is protected by the SiteMinder Web Agent and provide this Web Agent with the appropriate user credentials.
  4. In the same browser session, request a resource that is protected by the WAC Web Agent.

    Access to this resource should be granted without being prompted for credentials.

More information:

WebAgent.conf File Locations


