The Decode method decodes a single sign-on token and returns a subset of its attributes. In addition, you have the option of updating the token's last-accessed timestamp by passing a non-zero value to this method. To retrieve the updated token in string format, call SSOToken‑>GetString and write the token string to the SMSESSION cookie.
The Decode method has the following format:
The Decode method accepts the following parameter:
update (int)
(Optional) Specifies whether an updated token is requested:
Specifies that an updated token is requested.
Specifies that an updated token is not requested.
Return Value
The Decode method returns one of the following values:
Specifies the IP address of the machine where the user initiated a request for a protected resource.
Specifies the name of the agent that is decoding the token.
Specifies the maximum idle time for a session.
Specifies the time when the Policy Server was last accessed within the session.
Specifies the maximum time that a session can be active.
Specifies the session ID returned from the login call.
Specifies the session specification returned from the login call.
Specifies when the session started after a successful login.
Specifies the user's distinguished name.
Specifies the user's name.
Specifies that the method failed.
To create a single sign-on object, call AgentUser‑>CreateSSOToken.
The GetString method retrieves the string representation of a single sign-on token object. After calling GetString, you can write the token string to the SMSESSION cookie.
The GetString method has the following format:
The GetString method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetString method returns the following value:
You can call GetString after creating a single sign-on token object with CreateSSOToken. You can also call GetString after updating the token's last-accessed timestamp with Decode.
The GetVersion method retrieves the SiteMinder version of the single sign-on token.
The GetVersion method has the following format:
The GetVersion method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetVersion method returns the following value:
Specifies the SiteMinder version of the single sign-on token.
The IsThirdParty method determines whether the token was originally produced by a custom (or third-party) agent and has not yet been updated by a standard SiteMinder agent.
The IsThirdParty method has the following format:
The IsThirdParty method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The IsThirdParty method returns one of the following integer values:
Specifies that the token was originally produced by a custom agent and has not yet been updated by a standard SiteMinder agent.
Specifies that the token was not produced by a custom agent or has been updated by a standard SiteMinder agent.
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