The Audit method audits authorizations performed out of the agent cache.
The Audit method has the following format:
The Audit method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The Audit method returns one of the following values:
Specifies that the audit was successful.
Specifies that the audit was not successful.
Specifies that the Policy Server could not be reached.
Specifies that the method timed out.
Specifies that initialization failed.
The Certificate method sets or retrieves the user's X.509 certificate. This method only affects the certificate data associated with the current instance of the user object.
The Certificate method has the following format:
Netegrity::AgentUser‑>Certificate([cert, certBinaryLen])
The Certificate method accepts the following parameters:
cert (string)
(Optional) Specifies the certificate data to set.
certBinaryLen (int)
(Optional) Specifies the length of the certificate.
Return Value
The Certificate method returns one of the following values:
Specifies the new or existing certificate's data and length.
Specifies that the method failed.
The CertificateFile method sets or retrieves the user's X.509 certificate using the specified certificate file.
The CertificateFile method has the following format:
Netegrity::AgentUser‑>CertificateFile([certFile[, format]])
The CertificateFile method accepts the following parameters:
certFile (string)
(Optional) Specifies the full path and file name of the certificate file.
format (string)
(Optional) Specifies the format of the certificate file.
Default: base64 encoded X.509 (value = 1)
Note: The default is the only supported file format.
Return Value
The CertificateFile method returns the following value:
Specifies the new or existing certificate's data and length.
The CreateSSOToken method creates a single sign-on token object from a valid user session. The token contains encrypted session and other information that a custom agent can share with a standard SiteMinder Web agent. Creating single sign-on between standard and custom agents requires that the agents be in the same domain. To create the single sign-on object, the user must be logged in to the custom agent, not the SiteMinder agent.
The CreateSSOToken method has the following format:
Netegrity::AgentUser‑>CreateSSOToken(szDn, szName, szIP)
The CreateSSOToken method accepts the following parameters:
szDn (string)
Specifies the user's distinguished name.
szName (string)
Specifies the user's name.
szIP (string)
Specifies the IP address of the machine, where the user initiates the request for a protected resource.
Return Value
The CreateSSOToken method returns the following value:
To retrieve the token object in string format, use the GetString method and write the token string to the SMSESSION cookie. To decode the token and retrieve a subset of its attributes, use the Decode method.
The CustomData method sets or retrieves custom authentication data. This method is used to test authentication schemes that are based on the Custom Template. The format and content of custom authentication data are customer-defined according to the requirements of each Web site.
The CustomData method has the following format:
Netegrity::AgentUser‑>CustomData([customData, length])
The CustomData method accepts the following parameters:
customData (string)
(Optional) Specifies the custom authentication data to set.
length (int)
(Optional) Specifies the length of the custom authentication data.
Return Value
The CustomData method returns one of the following values:
Specifies the new or existing custom authentication data and length.
Specifies that the method failed.
The FormData method sets or retrieves HTML forms-based authentication data. This method is used to test authentication schemes that are based on the HTML Forms Template. The formData string consists of attribute name-value pairs separated by the ampersand (&) character.
The FormData method has the following format:
The FormData method accepts the following parameter:
formData (string)
(Optional) Specifies the HTML forms-based authentication data to set.
Return Value
The FormData method returns one of the following values:
Specifies the new or existing HTML forms-based authentication data.
Specifies that the method failed.
The GetResponse method returns a response after AgentUser‑>IsAuthorized or AgentUser‑>Login is called regardless of whether the user is authorized.
The GetResponse method has the following format:
The GetResponse method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetResponse method returns one of the following values:
Specifies that the method failed, because neither AgentUser‑>IsAuthorized or AgentUser‑>Login was called before calling GetResponse.
The Impersonate method allows one user to impersonate another user by logging in as that user. For example, a customer service representative can impersonate a customer to better understand a software problem that the customer is having.
The Impersonate method has the following format:
Netegrity::AgentUser‑>Impersonate(username, resource)
The Impersonate method accepts the following parameters:
username (string)
Specifies the ID of the user to impersonate.
resource (AgentResource object)
Specifies the resource to log in to.
Return Value
The Impersonate method returns one of the following values:
Specifies that the impersonation was successful.
Specifies that impersonation failed.
Specifies that the operation failed.
Specifies that the method timed out.
Specifies that initialization failed.
The Impersonate method creates a new session without destroying the impersonator's original session. To end the impersonation session and restore the impersonator's original session, call AgentUser‑>Logout.
Only one user at a time can be impersonated. You cannot chain impersonation sessions.
Impersonation begins in a realm that is protected by the Impersonation Authorization Scheme. The impersonator must be authorized to impersonate users in the realm, and the user must be allowed to be impersonated in the realm.
For more information about user impersonation, see the Policy Server Configuration Guide.
The IsAuthorized method determines whether the user is authorized to perform the specified action on the specified resource. This method calls AgentUser‑>Login, if AgentUser‑>Login has not been called. After calling this method, call AgentUser‑>GetResponse.
The IsAuthorized method has the following format:
Netegrity::AgentUser‑>IsAuthorized(resource[, clientIP][, transID])
The IsAuthorized method accepts the following parameters:
resource (AgentResource object)
Specifies the resource to check.
clientIP (string)
(Optional) Specifies the client's IP address.
transID (string)
(Optional) Specifies the user-defined transaction ID that the agent uses to associate application activity with security activity.
Return Value
The IsAuthorized method returns one of the following values:
Specifies that the user is authorized.
Specifies that the user is not authorized.
Specifies that the Policy Server could not be reached.
Specifies that the method timed out.
Specifies that initialization was not done.
The IsAuthorizedEx method determines whether the user is authorized to perform the specified action on the specified resource. This method calls AgentUser‑>Login if AgentUser‑>Login has not been called. After calling this method, call AgentUser‑>GetResponse.
The IsAuthorizedEx method has the following format:
Netegrity::AgentUser‑>IsAuthorizedEx(resource[, clientIP][, transID])
The IsAuthorizedEx method accepts the following parameters:
resource (AgentResource object)
Specifies the resource to check.
clientIP (string)
(Optional) Specifies the client's IP address.
transID (string)
(Optional) Specifies the user-defined transaction ID that the agent uses to associate application activity with security activity.
Return Value
The IsAuthorizedEx method returns one of the following values:
Specifies that the user is authorized.
Specifies that the user is not authorized.
Specifies that the Policy Server could not be reached.
Specifies that the method timed out.
Specifies that initialization was not done.
The Login method performs session login and validation. Before calling this method, call AgentResource‑>IsProtected for the target resource.
The Login method has the following format:
Netegrity::AgentUser‑>Login(resource[, clientIP])
The Login method accepts the following parameters:
resource (AgentResource object)
Specifies the resource to log in to.
clientIP (string)
(Optional) Specifies the client's IP address.
Return Value
The Login method returns one of the following values:
Specifies that user login was successful.
Specifies that user login failed.
Specifies that a challenge is required for authentication.
Specifies that the operation failed.
Specifies that the method timed out.
Specifies that the object was not connected.
To allow one user, who is already logged in, to log in again as another user, call AgentUser‑>Impersonate.
The Logout method logs the user out of the session. Calling this method is optional, because the user is automatically logged out when the user object exceeds its scope in the Perl script.
The Logout method has the following format:
The Logout method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The Logout method returns one of the following values:
Specifies that the user logged out successfully.
Specifies that user logout failed.
Specifies that a challenge is required for authentication.
Specifies that the operation failed.
Specifies that the method timed out.
Specifies that the object was not connected.
Calling Logout while one user is impersonating another user ends the impersonation session and restores the impersonator's original session. Calling AgentUser‑>Impersonate allows one user to impersonate or log in as another user.
The Name method sets or retrieves the user's username.
The Name method has the following format:
The Name method accepts the following parameter:
username (string)
(Optional) Specifies the username to set.
Return Value
The Name method returns the following value:
Specifies the new or existing username.
Setting the username only affects the current instance of the user object. It does not affect the user's entry in the directory.
The Password method sets or retrieves the user's password.
The Password method has the following format:
The Password method accepts the following parameter:
password (string)
(Optional) Specifies the password to set.
Return Value
The Password method returns the following value:
Specifies the new or existing password.
Setting the password only affects the current instance of the user object. It does not affect the user's entry in the directory.
The Validate method validates a session specification, checking that a user session has neither expired nor been terminated or revoked. This check can occur at any time during the life of a session.
The Validate method has the following format:
Netegrity::AgentUser‑>Validate(resource[, clientIP][, transID])
The Validate method accepts the following parameters:
resource (AgentResource object)
Specifies the resource to log in to.
clientIP (string)
(Optional) Specifies the client's IP address.
transID (string)
(Optional) Specifies a user-defined transaction ID.
Return Value
The Validate method returns one of the following values:
Specifies that the operation was successful.
Specifies that the user was not logged in.
Specifies that the operation failed.
Specifies that the method timed out.
Specifies that the object was not connected.
The Policy Server validates a session specification or session ID, as follows:
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