To establish single sign-on between the Identity Provider and the Service Provider, specify the SSO bindings.
The SSO settings let you configure single sign-on using the artifact or POST binding.
Part of the single sign-on configuration is defining the Redirect Mode setting. The Redirect Mode specifies how SiteMinder sends assertion attributes, if available, to the target application. You can send assertion attributes as HTTP Headers or HTTP cookies.
The HTTP headers and HTTP cookies have size restrictions that assertion attributes cannot exceed. The size restrictions are as follows:
To configure single sign-on
The Service Provider does not have to use the default target. The link that initiates single sign-on can contain a query parameter that specifies the target.
If HTTP-POST is selected and artifact is not selected, only the POST binding is accepted from the Identity Provider. If no binding is specified, the default is HTTP-artifact.
If you select HTTP-Artifact binding:
If you have multiple endpoints, you can configure indexed endpoints. The Service Provider includes the specified endpoint entry as a query parameter in the AuthnRequest. The AuthnRequest is sent to the single sign-on service at the Identity Provider.
A single use policy prevents SAML 2.0 assertions from being reused at a Service Provider to establish a second session. This feature applies to assertions that arrive by way of the POST binding.
Note: Single use policy feature is enabled by default when you select the HTTP-POST binding.
Designating an assertion for one time use is an additional security measure for authenticating across a single sign-on environment. From a browser, an attacker can acquire a SAML assertion that has been used to establish a SiteMinder session. The attacker can then POST the assertion to the Assertion Consumer Service at the Service Provider to establish a second session. However, if the assertion is designated for one-time use, this type of risk is mitigated.
SiteMinder enforces a single use policy using expiry data. Expiry data is time-based data about the assertion. The SAML 2.0 authentication scheme stores the expiry data in the session store. Expiry data verifies that a SAML 2.0 POST assertion is only used a single time.
Upon successful validation of a SAML 2.0 assertion, the authentication scheme writes assertion data in the expiry data table. The data includes an assertion ID key and an expiration time. The session store management thread in the Policy Server deletes expired data from the expiry data table.
If the scheme tries to validate assertion data and an expiry data entry has the same assertion ID key, writing assertion data fails. If the scheme cannot write to the expiry table, the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme denies the authentication in the same manner as an invalid assertion.
If the database is unavailable, single use of the assertion cannot be enforced. Consequently, the authentication scheme denies the request and the assertion is not reused.
To configure a single use policy
Click Modify, SAML 2.0 Configuration.
For instructions on enabling the session store, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.
As part of a single sign-on request, a Service Provider can generate an AuthnRequest that includes an attribute named AllowCreate, which is set to true. The Service Provider wants to obtain an identity for the user. Upon receiving the AuthnRequest, the Identity Provider generates an assertion. The Identity Provider searches the appropriate user record for the assertion attribute serving as the Name ID. If the Identity Provider cannot find a value for the NameID attribute, it generates a persistent identifier. The Allow/Create feature enables the creation of the identifier.
The persistent identifier is a randomly generated ID. The Identity Provider uses this identifier as the value of the Name ID attribute and places it in the assertion. The Identity Provider then returns the assertion to the Service Provider. For example, if the NameID attribute is set to telephone and there is no value for telephone in the user record, the NameID is set to the randomly generated identifier.
When the Service Provider receives the assertion, the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme processes the response. The scheme then performs a user lookup in its local user store. If the Service Provider locates the user record, it grants the user access.
Enable the Allow/Create feature at the Identity Provider for the Identity Provider to generate a unique identifier. The Identity Provider only generates the identifier if the feature is enabled. The normal flow of assertion generation continues after an entry is made in the Identity Provider log file that a unique identifier was not created.
To permit the Identity Provider to create an identifier for the Name ID, include the Allow/Create attribute in the AuthnRequest message.
Note: The administrator at the Identity Provider must enable the Allow/Create feature for the identifier to be generated.
Follow these steps:
If you select the HTTP-Artifact binding for single sign-on, select an authentication scheme to secure the back channel to the Artifact Resolution Service. This service retrieves the assertion at the Identity Provider.
To configure the back channel
Important! If you are using basic authentication for the backchannel authentication scheme, the value of the SP Name field is the name of the Service Provider. No additional configuration is necessary. If you are using client certificate authentication, the SP Name field must be the alias of the client certificate stored in the certificate data store. The SP uses the certificate as a credential to gain access to the Artifact Resolution Service.
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