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SiteMinder Administrators Overview

An administrator is someone who can access Policy Server objects and tools.

You can create multiple administrator accounts so that different administrators have privileges according to their roles in an organization.

This model allows you to delegate the management of Policy Server objects and tools to others.

A default SiteMinder superuser account with full system privileges is created when you configure the policy store, which is the default source of administrator identities. This default configuration lets you manage the environment immediately after installing the software.

We recommend configuring an external administrator user store.

Default Superuser Administrator

When you configure the policy store, a default superuser account is created. This account has the maximum system privileges, which permit the following operations:

The default superuser account has the following credentials:

User Name



The password that you specified when configuring the policy store.

More information:

How to Register the Administrative UI

LDAP Directory Servers as a Policy or Key Store

Relational Databases as a Policy or Key Store

Administrator Accounts

Administrator accounts can be used to perform the following SiteMinder administration tasks:

To delegate privileges to other administrators, create more administrator accounts. Administrator accounts define the following properties:


Specifies whether the Administrator can access all SiteMinder data or only those objects that are defined in an assigned administrative Workspace.

Access methods

Specifies what methods the Administrator can use to access and manage the SiteMinder data.


Specifies what categories of SiteMinder objects the Administrator can access, and whether they can only view or modify those objects.

These properties let you create administrators and assign privileges to match the administrative roles in your organization.

Note: You can only create more Administrator accounts that are associated with administrative users in an external administrator store. However, these Administrator accounts are automatically generated for Legacy Administrator records stored in the policy store to allow those administrators to access the Administrative UI.

More information:

How to Configure an External Administrator Store

Limit Administrator Account Scope Using Workspaces Overview

Administrator Use Cases

How to Create a Scoped Administrator

How to Create an Administrator

Legacy Administrator Accounts

Legacy Administrators perform the following tasks:

Note: Legacy Administrators can also access the Administrative UI when the policy store is configured as the source of administrator identities (the default). Once an external administrator store is configured, Legacy Administrator accounts cannot access the Administrative UI.

More information:

Administrator Store Options

Administrator Store Options

By default, the Administrative UI uses the policy store as its source of administrator identities. However, we recommend that you use an external administrator user store, such as a corporate directory, for further administrator accounts.

Consider the following factors when deciding where to store administrator identities:

More information:

How to Install the Administrative UI

Additional Policy Server Connections for the Administrative UI