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.NET SDK Components

This section contains the following topics:

Open Format Cookie

IFederationOpenIdentity Interface

Identity Factory

IFedIdentitySDKLogger Interface

Open Format Cookie

The federation open format cookie lets applications assert user attributes to Federation Manager and consume user attributes encapsulated by Federation Manager. The open format cookie has the following general characteristics:

Important! If the cookie contains any unsafe characters such as '=', enclose the value in double quotes. You can specify this option through the user interface, or through the SDK.

The open format cookie contains the following property information:

The following diagram shows the open format:

Illustration showsing which properties and attributes of open cookies are used.


The Backus-Naur Form (BNF) for this format is following (0* means 0 or more; 1* means at least 1).

IFederationOpenIdentity Interface

The IFederationOpenIdentity interface defines methods for manipulating the open format cookie. The classes exposed by .NET SDK are available under the namespace CA.Federation.FedIdentitySdk. You implement the IFederationOpenIdentity interface by calling one of the methods from the IdentityFactory class.

See the Doxygen-generated reference for detailed information about this interface.

Identity Factory

The IdentityFactory class provides methods for obtaining an implementation of the IFederationOpentIdentity interface.

Note: The only supported cryptographic transformation is "AES128/CBC/PKCS5Padding". You can also use NULL to get the default.

The IdentityFactory class includes the following methods:

static IFederationOpenIdentity GetInstance (string cryptoInstance)

Generates an implementation object of the IFederationOpenIdentity interface.

static IFederationOpenIdentity GetInstance (string cryptoInstance, bool bUseHmac)

Generates an implementation object of the IFederationOpenIdentity interface.

static IFederationOpenIdentity GetInstance (string zoneName, char[] password, string domain, string cryptoInstance)

Generates an implementation object of the IFederationOpenIdentity interface.

static IFederationOpenIdentity GetInstance (string zoneName, char[] password, string domain, string cryptoInstance, bool bUseHmac)

Generates an implementation object of the IFederationOpenIdentity interface.

IFedIdentitySDKLogger Interface

The IFedIdentitySDKLogger interface provides the following methods for specifying custom logging messages

void LogTrace (string fileName, string methodName, string message)

Logs a trace message.

void LogError (string fileName, string methodName, string message)

Logs an error message.