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nete:rule and nete:result

The nete:rule and nete:result elements must be contained in a nete:xpr element. The nete:rule element specifies the regular expression that the SPS evaluates against incoming requests. The nete:result element determines the behavior for matching requests.

The definition of the nete:rule element is:

<!ELEMENT nete:rule (#PCDATA)>

This element contains a string that is a regular expression. The URI and query string of a request is matched against this regular expression to determine if a request satisfies the nete:xpr condition.

The definition of the nete:result element is:

<!ELEMENT nete:result (#PCDATA)>

nete:result elements may have the following attributes:

<!ATTLIST nete:result service (forward|redirect) "forward">

This element contains a string consisting of the substitution string (URL) by which the SPS creates a URL to pass to a service (forward or redirect). The service attribute is used to specify the appropriate service that will receive the URL. The default service is the forward service defined in the server.conf configuration file.

The substitution URL in the nete:result element should be a URL that optionally contains $#, where # is 0, 1, 2, etc.

The substitution URL in the nete:result element should be a URL that optionally contains $#, where # is 0, 1, 2, etc.

For example, a set of proxy rules can contain the following:



In the previous nete:xprcond proxy rule example, a request for:

will be forwarded to: