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nete:xpr and nete:xpr-default

A nete:xpr element is similar to a nete:cond element, and contains other elements for a rule based on a regular expression as well as a resulting behavior when the SPS finds a match for the expression. A nete:xpr-default element contains the default behavior for URI or query string combinations that do not match any of the regular expressions contained in the nete:xpr elements within a nete:xprcond element.

The definition of a nete:xpr element is:

<!ELEMENT nete:xpr (nete:rule, nete:result)>

A nete:xpr element contains a nete:rule element that defines a regular expression, and a nete:result element that specifies the behavior for strings that match the regular expression.

The definition of a nete:xpr-default element is:

<!ELEMENT nete:xpr-default (nete:forward|nete:redirect|nete:local)>

The nete:xpr-default element specifies a forward or redirect that should be completed if the URI or query string being evaluated by the SPS does not match the conditions stated in any of the nete:xpr elements contained in the parent nete:xprcond element.