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How nete:xprcond Elements Works

The processing of a nete:xprcond element is similar to the processing of all other nete:cond elements. As the SPS processes requests, and it encounters a nete:xprcond element in the proxy rules configuration file, the following occurs:

  1. The SPS examines the first nete:xpr element in the nete:xprcond element.
  2. The proxy engine evaluates the regular expression described in the nete:rule element against the URI and query string of the request.
  3. If the requested URI and query string matches the regular expression specified in the nete:rule element, then the SPS resolves the result string using the results of the match, and the request is forwarded to the specified service with the URL derived from the nete:result element.
  4. If the requested URI and query string do not match the regular expression in the first nete:xpr element, the proxy rules engine evaluates the next nete:xpr element (repeat steps 2 and 3). This process continues until the rules engine finds a match or reaches the nete:xpr-default element.
  5. If no match is found before reaching the nete:xpr-default element, then the contents of the nete:xpr-default element determine how to route the request.