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Start Time

Start Time specifies the beginning of the time span in absolute or relative terms. The following table describes the fields within the Start Time section of the Timespan Detail window:


An explicit year, such as 2000, or a relative year, such as +1 (next year) or –1 (last year)


An explicit month from 1 (January) to 12 (December), or a relative month, such as +1 (next month) or –1 (last month)


An explicit day from 1 to 31, or a relative day, such as +1 (tomorrow) or –1 (yesterday)


An explicit hour from 0 to 24, or a relative hour, such as +1 (next hour) or –1 (last hour)


An explicit minute from 0 to 59, or a relative minute, such as +1 or –1