Start Time specifies the beginning of the time span in absolute or relative terms. The following table describes the fields within the Start Time section of the Timespan Detail window:
An explicit year, such as 2000, or a relative year, such as +1 (next year) or –1 (last year)
An explicit month from 1 (January) to 12 (December), or a relative month, such as +1 (next month) or –1 (last month)
An explicit day from 1 to 31, or a relative day, such as +1 (tomorrow) or –1 (yesterday)
An explicit hour from 0 to 24, or a relative hour, such as +1 (next hour) or –1 (last hour)
An explicit minute from 0 to 59, or a relative minute, such as +1 or –1
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