Simple variables specify flags that are passed to the web page. To access a simple variable, use the variable name preceded by a dollar sign ($). This makes the value of the variable available. For example, two such variables are $CAisd and $cgi. Putting $CAisd in a template results in the substitution of the main CA SDM web server installation directory, whereas $cgi refers to the URL of the pdmweb.exe program. Simple variables are documented in the upper section of the HTMPL file that uses them.
The following shows a list of variables that can be used in all the HTMPL files:
The user access privilege object contains the privilege settings on the function group group for the current login user. For example, $ACCESS.admin holds the privilege value for the admin functional group. Valid privilege values are:
This variable is not available in the login form.
The URL of the pdmweb.exe program.
The data object of the current login user. This variable is not available in the login form. You can reference individual attributes of this object with the form $cst.attrname; for example, $cst.first_name.
The URL of main CA SDM web server installation directory.
The MachineName defined in the web.cfg file.
Note: For information about web.cfg, see the Administration Guide.
The product name defined in the NX.env file.
The session object saves all session variables including session ID ($SESSION.SID) and all variables defined in the web.cfg file.
Note: For information about web.cfg, see the Administration Guide.
User-defined state information.
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