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Publish Form Changes

When you are satisfied with the changes, you can make them available to all CA SDM users by publishing them. Publishing updates all CA SDM servers with new or revised forms.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select File, Publish.

    If you have any unsaved changes, WSP prompts you to save them, and then displays a confirmation dialog showing all pending Web Screen Painter changes (including those saved in previous sessions, or saved by other Web Screen Painter users). By default, all changes are selected for publication. You can change the selection of changes to be published by clicking them.

  2. Click OK when you are satisfied with the selection.
  3. (Advanced availability configuration only) If the webengine is not running on any of the CA SDM servers, an error message is displayed with the list of CA SDM servers on which WSP failed to publish. Complete the following steps:
    1. Configure the CA SDM server (the server specified in the error message) to make the corrections.
    2. Edit the file in WSP to add a white space character in the <PDM_IF 0> macro and save it.
    3. Go back to step 1 to republish the web form.

      Note: If you do not want to make any configuration changes, you have to manually copy the nx_root/site/mods/www folder from the background server to all the other servers.

  4. (Advanced availability configuration only) If the background server crashes while publishing, recover the HTMPL changes.
  5. (For mouse-over preview forms) Execute the following command after publishing the changes:
    pdm_webcache -H

    The web cache is refreshed. WSP makes the selected changes available to all users active on all the servers.