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Insert Control Dialog Options

Open the Insert Control dialog from the File menu. The dialog lists all of the appropriate UI controls for the section of the form you select to edit.

The dialog contains the following options:

Insert Before

Inserts the selected control from the list before the currently selected control on the base form, and makes it the currently selected control.

Insert After

Inserts the selected control from the list after the currently selected control on the base form, and makes it the currently selected control.


Moves the currently selected control to the control that precedes it on the form.


Moves the currently selected control to the control that follows it on the form.


Opens the Properties dialog for the currently selected control.


Closes the Insert Control form.

Close Form After Insert

(Enabled) Inserts the selected control and closes the Insert Control dialog when you click Insert Before or Insert After.

(Disabled) Inserts the selected control when you click Insert Before or Insert After. The Insert Control dialog remains open to insert additional controls or request properties for the currently selected control. After you clear the check box, the Close Form After Insert check box remains unchecked until you either select it again or end your WSP session.

Default: Enabled