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Create Server Fields

The following fields appear when you create a server:

Host Name

Specifies the local host name of the server. The local host name is stored in the usp_servers table in local_host column.

Important! Ensure that host name is entered as case-sensitive in the usp_servers table.

Time Zone

Specifies the time zone where the server is located. The time zone is used for triggering events in the system if the Use End User Time Zone option is not selected, or if no time zone is specified for the service type.

Record Status

Indicates the state of the server. Active status indicates that the server is a part of the CA SDM deployment.

Important! If you have inactivated any server, it is recommended not to start CA SDM services on that server. This action may result in unexpected behaviour.

Server Type

Specifies the type of server that you want to configure. Following server types can be selected, depending on your CA SDM configuration:


Available only for advanced availability configuration. Indicates the state of the configured server. The default value of this field is No. The value is updated to Yes after you successfully run pdm_configure on that server. If you edit any of the automatically entered field values of a server record, the Configured field turns to No.