Open an existing form in WSP to customize it.
Follow these steps:
The Open Form dialog opens.
When you enter a name in the textbox, WSP automatically scrolls the list to the first name matching the characters entered. You can use the Files of Status drop-down list to restrict the list of files displayed:
Restricts the list to files that have been modified with WSP, but not yet published. These files are identified with a plus sign (+) after the file name.
Restricts the list to forms modified at your site, both published and unpublished. The unpublished files are identified with a plus sign (+) after the file name. The published site modifications are identified with an asterisk (*) after the file name.
Displays the list with no restrictions. The unpublished files are identified with a plus sign (+) after the file name. The published site modifications are identified with an asterisk (*) after the file name.
The form is displayed and ready for your customization.
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