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pdm_mail Utility--Send Email Information

The pdm_mail utility is used in notifications to send emails by sending email information to the pdm_mail_nxd process. The pdm_mail utility can also be used for commands, but not to both. If no parameters are used, then the default behavior of using the NX_NTF_xxxx variable to pass parameters is in effect.

For email, the utility is invoked as follows:

pdm_mail [-i [-s subject] [-e email_address] [-q]] [-p] [-M] [-F] [-T] [-B] [-H] [-N] [-R] [-h]

Uses STDIN instead of NTF variables. The following parameters are used for STDIN email behavior only:


Specifies the email address (for recipient).


Specifies the subject for the email.


Disables the display prompt for STDIN.


Utilizes pager logic. This option includes using the pager email address instead of the regular email address. Only the plain text version of the notification is used (no HTML).


Uses plain text only (no MIME) in body.


Specifies the From address of the email.


Specifies the Reply-To address of the email.


Specifies the body charset. This might be useful for pagers that do not support the UTF-8.


Specifies the header charset. This might be useful for pagers that do not support the UTF-8.


Specifies the Delivery Status Notification (DSN) Notify option.


Specifies the Delivery Status Notification (DSN) Return option.


Displays help on the utility.

For commands, the utility is invoked as follows:

Command to mail server

pdm_mail -c option [parameter]

Command to mail eater

pdm_mail -x option [parameter]

(-x only) Changes the check mail interval to a specified value (in seconds).


Changes the report interval to a specified value (in seconds).


Forces a report to the logs. The counter is not reset.


(-c only) Sends local mail queue to remote mail server.


Turns tracing on or off.

Important! On UNIX, the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. For example, input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments ...".