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pdm_server_control Utility--Identify Servers

The pdm_server_utility commands identify the server as background or standby in an advance availability configuration.

Execute the following command from the command prompt:

pdm_server_control -h | -b | -q interval [-s server_name] | -t | -c [-server_name]

Displays the help page.


Notifies a local standby server to become the background server. The standby server must be running. If the server is not running, it is started but no failover is performed. To start a failover, run the command again.

-q interval [-s server_name]

Notifies a local or remote application server to quiesce in a specified time interval. This interval is the number of seconds before the server shutdowns. When using this option without a server_name, the local server is notified to quiesce. This option cannot be used for a background or a standby server.


Displays the type of this CA SDM advance availability Server.

-c [-s server_name]

Notifies a local or remote application server to cancel the previous quiesce the request.