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pdm_extract--Extract Data from Database

The pdm_extract command extracts data from specified CA SDM database tables or the entire CA SDM database, and outputs it as ASCII-formatted text.


This command has the following format:

pdm_extract [-c|-e|-r] [-d] [-h] [-u] [-v] [-C] --B] [-f formatstring| ALL | table1 . . . TableN]


Produces comma-separated value (CSV) output, such as:


The -c, -e, and -r output format options are mutually exclusive.


Produces comma-separated value (CSV) output with embedded double quotes escaped by another double quote. For example:

"Text with a "quoted string" in it"

The -c, -e, and -r output format options are mutually exclusive.


Produces left-justified output in the formats if the column labels are not supplied in the input file:




This option is intended for use with line printers, for example:

Field_Name: Field Value

The -c, -e, and -r output format options are mutually exclusive.


Uses the date format found in the file $NX_ROOT/fig/english/cfg/dataent.fmt (UNIX) or installation-directory\fig\english\cfg\dataent.fmt (Windows), which you can edit to suit your requirements.


Displays help and usage information.


Produces output without headers.


Specifies verbose mode, which writes comments about command progress to stdout.


Changes encoding from UTF-8 to another charset. The default output is UTF-8.

Example: To convert the output to JIS, you would run "-C iso-2022-jp"

Example: To encode to the operating system's native charset, use "DEFAULT" or "NATIVE".


Suppresses the Byte Order Mark if the variable NX_ADD_UTF8_BYTE_ORDER_MARK is set.

The NX_ADD_UTF8_BYTE_ORDER_MARK option is a signature into a file. It allows editors that support UTF-8 to maintain the UTF-8 integrity of the file.

Note: This is only needed for non-ASCII data. If this is not installed, the default behavior omits the Byte Order Mark (BOM). If installed, set it to "1" or "Yes".

-f formatstring

Extracts specific records and fields according to formatstring, which is an SQL subset statement.

For a date after a period, use the following syntax:

pdm_extract -v -f "select id, ref_num from Call_Req where open_date >= DATE '2005-02-24'" > daterange1.txt

For a date range, use the following syntax:

pdm_extract -v -f "select id, ref_num from Call_Req where open_date >= DATE '2004-01-20' and open_date < DATE '2004-02-25'" > daterange2.txt

Note: Use single quotes around the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

The syntax for DATE is as follows:

DATE 'yyyy-mm-dd' 

yyyy = integer representing year (between 1970 and 2038)

mm = integer representing month

dd = integer representing day


DATE '2005-01-18'
DATE '1999-12-25'

The syntax for TIMESTAMP is:

TIMESTAMP 'yyyy-mm-dd[.nnnnnn][[+|-][]]

yyyy = integer representing year (between 1970 and 2038)

mm = integer representing month

dd = integer representing day

hh = integer representing hour

mm = integer representing minutes

ss = integer representing seconds

nnnn = optional integer representing fractions of sec.

[+|-][] = optional time zone interval.


TIMESTAMP '1998-04-28 12:00:00.000000'
TIMESTAMP '2004-10-17 18:30:45'
TIMESTAMP '2005-03-21 12:00:12+08:00'
TIMESTAMP '1999-05-10 09:12:23.005-03:30' 

Note: The -d option is not needed, as it only affects the format of the output.

A command usage example follows:

pdm_extract -f "select * from Call_Req where open_date > TIMESTAMP '2004-01-12 12:00:00'"

In this example, all columns are being extracted from the Call_Req table where the open_date is after midnight 1/12/2004.


Extracts output from all tables in the database.

table1. . . tableN

Extracts output from the specified tables. Table names must be separated by spaces.

The default format, if none is specified, is an ASCII file compatible with pdm_userload.

More information:

pdm_deref--Dereference ASCII Data

pdm_replace--Replace a Database Table

pdm_userload--Add, Update, and Delete Database Records

rpt_srv--Generate Reports