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rpt_srv--Generate Reports

Valid for Windows only

The report program lets you generate a report from the command line on the server. To issue the report command at the command line or in a script, you must include pdm_task. The pdm_task command sets up environment variables for commands that do not have a wrapper. Enter pdm_task with the report command on the same command line only when the report is invoked through a script or the command line. If you issue the report command from a menu, you do not need to include pdm_task, because all environment variables are set by the application.


This command has the following format:

rpt_srv -m [-h] [-e] [-f] [-F ffstring] [-p pagelength] [-C] [-B] filename [ command line arguments]

Signifies that the report is manually being run from the command line.


Echoes compiled script (for debugging purposes).


Uses form feeds between pages.

-F ffstring

Sets the optional form-feed string.

-p pagelength

Sets the page length. The default page length is 66.


Changes encoding from UTF-8 to another charset. The default output is UTF-8.

Example: To convert the output to JIS, you would run "-C iso-2022-jp"

Example: To encode to the operating system's native charset, use "DEFAULT" or "NATIVE".


Suppresses the Byte Order Mark if the variable NX_ADD_UTF8_BYTE_ORDER_MARK is set.

The NX_ADD_UTF8_BYTE_ORDER_MARK option is a signature into a file. It allows editors that support UTF-8 to maintain the UTF-8 integrity of the file.

Note: This is only needed for non-ASCII data. If this is not installed, the default behavior omits the Byte Order Mark (BOM). If installed, set it to "1" or "Yes".


Specifies the report template. If you are not running the report command from the directory in which the template file is located, include the complete file path name. The command sends the output as standard output (stdout).

command line arguments

Specifies parameters received by the report template. If the report is designed to accept command line arguments, you must enter a command line argument for each parameter in the report template. If the argument is empty, enter the null string.

For example, the following command supplies the command line arguments Smith, Jane, and L. The report template requires these three parameters to generate the Affected Contacts Report.

For example, enter the following command:

rpt_srv -m c:\reports\affected.rpt Smith Jane L

In the next example, Jane Smith does not have a middle initial:

rpt_srv -m c:\reports\affected.rpt Smith Jane "