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Modify the jsrvr.log Appender

By default, servlets such as PDMContextListener, pdmweb, UploadServlet, and pdm_report log INFO level messages to the jsrvr.log file. You change the threshold level of the jsrvr.log appender to log any messages under the INFO level.

Follow these steps:

  1. Modify the level in the file to the following threshold:
  2. Modify the log level of UploadServlet:, jsrvrlog
  3. Open the jsrvr.log file.
  4. Confirm that the DEBUG log messages of UploadServlet appear.

Note: If you modify the log level without modifying the threshold level, the DEBUG logs from the servlet do not appear in the file. Not all servlets have explicit loggers attached. For example, the file does include pdmweb, BOServlet, pdm_export, pdm_report, and pdm_cache, which are part of the pdmweb servlet. To see DEBUG logs from these servlets, modify the pdmweb log level.