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pdm_log4j_config Utility--Modify the log4j properties File

The utility lets you configure the log4j properties file of CA SDM, web components, PDM_RPC, Support Automation, Rest, and CMDB Visualizer. Execute the utility batch script that is based on your environment. For Windows, execute pdm_log4j_config from the command line. For UNIX, execute the file.

This command has the following format:

pdm_log4j_config -f <component> -d
pdm_log4j_config -h
pdm_log4j_config -f <component>  [-a | -n <name>] [-l <log level>] [I <max # of log files>] [-s <max size of log files>] [-t <log level threshold>]

Specifies the log4j configuration of CA SDM or the component of CA SDM that you want to change. Enter one of the following values:


Note: Use the mandatory option along with the other options.


Displays the current configuration.


Displays help for the utility.


Completes all changes to globally.


Specifies that you only want to modify a specific class or package name.

Specify a specific class name, such as bop_logging, or a complete package name, such as


Specifies the log level that you want to set.

Note: Specify the -a or -n option.


Specifies the max file number index that you want to set.

Note: Specify the -a or -n option.


Specifies the max file size that you want to set.

Note: Specify the -a or -n option.

Important! Change the appender in the file of Visualizer to Rolling File Appender before you execute the command with this parameter. If you do not change the appender, MaxFileSize generates logs in the same file.


Specifies the log level threshold.

Note: Specify the -a or -n option.