You define dependencies so that the Catalog system automatically includes or excludes subscriptions or disables services according to the services that a user requests.
Follow these steps:
The Services tree appears and displays the folders containing services, organized hierarchically according to the category.
The catalog for the business unit appears.
The Define Dependencies page appears.
Specifies which services appear in the catalog of the child business unit.
When you select this option, a list of child business units appears. When you select a business unit, the list of available services appears. You specify whether to include the service in the catalog of the child business unit.
Specifies which services appear in the catalog of the child business unit.
When you select this option, a list of services appears. When you select a service, the list of child business units appears. You specify whether to include the service in the catalog of the child business unit.
Specifies which services are included automatically in a subscription to another service. When a user subscribes to the selected service, the Catalog system also subscribes the user to the service or services that you specify.
When you select this option, a list of services appears. When you select a service, the list of remaining services appears. You specify which of the remaining services (if any) to include automatically when a user subscribes to the selected service.
Specifies which subscribed services are canceled automatically with the cancelation of another service. When a user cancels the selected service, the Catalog system also cancels the subscription (of this user) to the service or services that you specify.
When you select this option, a list of services appears. When you select a service, the list of remaining services appears. You specify which of the remaining services (if any) to cancel automatically when a user cancels a subscription to the selected service.
Specifies which services are made unavailable (disabled) automatically as a result of a subscription to another service. When a user subscribes to the selected service, the Catalog system also disables (for this user) the service or services that you specify.
When you select this option, a list of services appears. When you select a service, the list of remaining services appears. You specify which of the remaining services (if any) to disable automatically when a user subscribes to the selected service.
The Catalog system saves your specifications.
The Define Dependencies dialog closes.
You have defined dependencies among services.
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